Create a Local User
An organization administrator can create user accounts that are local to the organization. Local user accounts are stored in the VMware Cloud Director database.
Every user exists within the context of an organization. An organization administrator can create a local user in an organization by POSTing a User element to the organization’s add URL for users, as shown in Create a Local User.
When you create a user, you must include the Role and Password elements in the request body. The role can be a predefined role or one created by the organization administrator. For more information about retrieving a list of predefined roles, see Retrieve an Administrative View of a Cloud. For more information about creating new roles, see Create a Role in Your Organization.
This operation requires the rights included in the predefined Organization Administrator role or an equivalent set of rights.
Example: Create a Local User
This example adds the user to
the organization created in
Create an Organization.
The user is given the predefined role
Author, using the role href retrieved in
Step 1.
The request includes an optional
IsEnabled element that
enables the user. If not present in the request,
IsEnabled defaults to
The response is a User element, most of which does not appear in this example. The response includes a link that an administrator can use to edit user properties, and additional elements, such as IsDefaultCached and StoredVmQuota, whose values are inherited from the organization.
- The Password element, which must not be empty when you create a local User, is never returned.
- The ProviderType, which defines the identity provider for this user, was not specified in the request, and defaults to INTEGRATED. Local users are managed by the integrated identity provider. See About Identity Providers.
POST Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.admin.user+xml ... <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <User xmlns="" name="ExampleUser" > <FullName>Example User Full Name</FullName> <EmailAddress>[email protected]</EmailAddress> <IsEnabled>true</IsEnabled> <Role href="" /> <Password>Pa55w0rd</Password> <GroupReferences /> </User>
201 Created Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.admin.user+xml ... <User xmlns="" name="ExampleUser" id="urn:vcloud:user:85" type="application/vnd.vmware.admin.user+xml" href="" ... > <Link rel="edit" type="application/vnd.vmware.admin.user+xml" href="" /> <FullName>Example User Full Name</FullName> <EmailAddress>[email protected]</EmailAddress> <IsEnabled>true</IsEnabled> <ProviderType>INTEGRATED</ProviderType> <IsAlertEnabled>false</IsAlertEnabled> <IsDefaultCached>false</IsDefaultCached> <IsGroupRole>false</IsGroupRole> <StoredVmQuota>0</StoredVmQuota> <DeployedVmQuota>0</DeployedVmQuota> <Role type="application/vnd.vmware.admin.role+xml" name="vApp Author" href="" /> <GroupReferences /> </User>