Find a Catalog and a VDC
Before you can deploy a vApp, you must find a vApp template in one of your organization's catalogs and a VDC in your organization to use for the deployment.
After you log in, you can make a GET request to your organization's URL to retrieve the XML representation of the organization. This representation shows the organization's attributes and contents, including links to its catalogs and VDCs.
This operation requires the rights included in the predefined vApp Author role or an equivalent set of rights.
Example: Retrieve the Contents of an Organization
This example retrieves the ExampleOrg organization listed in the OrgList element shown in Step 1.
200 OK Content-Type: application/ ... <Org name="ExampleOrg" type="application/" href=""> <Link rel="down" type="application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.catalog+xml" href="" name="ExampleCatalog" /> <Link rel="down" type="application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.vdc+xml" href="" name="ExampleVdc01" /> <Link ... /> <Link ... /> <Description>Example Corp’s Primary Organization</Description> </Org>
Links in the response whose rel attribute has a value of down are references to objects that the organization contains. This example shows the subset of those items that we reference in the Hello vCloud example:
- A catalog named
, at URL, where you can look for vApp templates. - An organization VDC named
, at URL, where you can deploy the vApp.