{ "additionalProperties": false, "id": "CpuUsage", "module_id": "ApplianceStats", "properties": { "avg_cpu_core_usage_dpdk": { "readonly": true, "title": "Indicates the average usage of all DPDK cores in percentage.", "type": "number" }, "avg_cpu_core_usage_non_dpdk": { "description": "Indicates the average usage of all non-DPDK cores in percentage.", "readonly": true, "title": "Average usage of all non-DPDK cores", "type": "number" }, "highest_cpu_core_usage_dpdk": { "description": "Indicates the highest CPU utilization value among DPDK cores in percentage.", "readonly": true, "title": "Highest CPU utilization value among DPDK cores", "type": "number" }, "highest_cpu_core_usage_non_dpdk": { "description": "Indicates the highest cpu utilization value among non_dpdk cores in percentage.", "readonly": true, "title": "Highest CPU utilization value among non-DPDK cores", "type": "number" } }, "title": "CPU usage of DPDK and non-DPDK cores", "type": "object" }