{ "additionalProperties": false, "description": "Represents list of features required to view the widget.", "id": "FeatureSet", "module_id": "NsxDashboard", "nsx_feature": "NsxDashboardWidgetConfig", "properties": { "feature_list": { "description": "List of features required for to view widget.", "items": { "type": "string" }, "title": "List of features required for to view wdiget", "type": "array" }, "require_all_permissions": { "description": "Flag for specifying if permission to all features is required If set to false, then if there is permission for any of the feature from feature list, widget will be available.", "title": "Flag for specifying if permission to all features is required", "type": "boolean" } }, "title": "List of features required to view the widget", "type": "object" }