{ "additionalProperties": false, "description": "Icon to be applied at dashboard for widgets and UI elements.", "id": "Icon", "module_id": "NsxDashboard", "nsx_feature": "NsxDashboardWidgetConfig", "properties": { "placement": { "default": "PRE", "description": "If specified as PRE, the icon appears before the UI element. If set as POST, the icon appears after the UI element.", "enum": [ "PRE", "POST" ], "title": "Position at which to display icon, if any", "type": "string" }, "tooltip": { "description": "Multi-line text to be shown on tooltip while hovering over the icon.", "items": { "$ref": "Tooltip }, "title": "Multi-line tooltip", "type": "array" }, "type": { "description": "Icon will be rendered based on its type. For example, if ERROR is chosen, then icon representing error will be rendered.", "enum": [ "ERROR", "WARNING", "INFO", "INPROGRESS", "SUCCESS", "DETAIL", "NOT_AVAILABLE", "SECURITY", "NETWORKING", "LOAD_BALANCER", "VPN", "DOMAIN", "GROUP", "DISTRIBUTED_FIREWALL", "NETWORKING_TIER0", "NETWORKING_TIER1", "SEGMENT", "SYSTEM", "SYSTEM_FABRIC", "SYSTEM_BACKUPRESTORE", "INVENTORY_GROUPS", "SECURITY_DFW" ], "title": "Type of icon", "type": "string" } }, "title": "Icon", "type": "object" }