VMware PowerCLI Change Log

This document lists all changes introduced in the following VMware PowerCLI releases:

For the previous releases of VMware PowerCLI, see https://www.vmware.com/support/developer/PowerCLI/changelog.html.

VMware PowerCLI 12.0.0

Released 2 Apr 2020 | Documentation

Change Type Description

The new VMware.VimAutomation.WorkloadManagement module provides cmdlets for managing namespace lifecycle and policy:



The new VMware.CloudServices module provides cmdlets for managing user invitation, activation, and roles:



New cmdlets for managing VMware Cloud on AWS clusters and organization information have been added to the VMware.VimAutomation.Vmc module:



New cmdlets for managing vSphere network stacks have been added to the VMware.VimAutomation.Core module:



New cmdlet for managing vSphere guest disk information has been added to the VMware.VimAutomation.Core module:



New cmdlets for lifecycle management of the vSAN file service domain have been added to the VMware.VimAutomation.Storage module:



New cmdlets for lifecycle management of the vSAN file share have been added to the VMware.VimAutomation.Storage module:



New cmdlets for management of the vSAN file service OVF have been added to the VMware.VimAutomation.Storage module:



New cmdlets for managing HCX Mobility Group have been added to the VMware.VimAutomation.Hcx module:



New cmdlets for managing VMware HCX OS Assisted Migration (OSAM) have been added to the VMware.VimAutomation.Hcx module:



New cmdlets for lifecycle management of the Workload vCenter Server system have been added to the VMware.VimAutomation.Security module:



New cmdlets for lifecycle management of the Trust Authority vCenter Server system have been added to the VMware.VimAutomation.Security module:



New cmdlets for managing auto-bootstrapping and new-style depots in vSphere 7.0 have been added to the VMware.DeployAutomation and VMware.ImageBuilder module:



The VMware.VimAutomation.vROps module has been updated to support VMware vRealize Operations Manager 8.0 and work on Linux and macOS.


The VMware.VimAutomation.License module has been ported to work on Linux and macOS.


The Open-VMConsoleWindow cmdlet has been ported to work on Linux and macOS. Having VMware VMRC installed is now a prerequisite for this cmdlet on all supported operating systems.


The NetworkStack parameter has been added to the New-VMHostNetworkAdapter cmdlet to allow specifying the network stack of a virtual machine host network adapter.


The VMGuestDisk parameter has been added to the Get-HardDisk cmdlet to allow retrieving virtual hard disks by guest disks


The Network and StoragePolicy parameters have been added to the Move-VM cmdlet. The Network parameter allows to specify the virtual network, including opaque networks, to which you want to migrate the virtual machine network adapters. The StoragePolicy parameter provides the ability to specify the storage policy for the virtual machine.


The VMware.Vim module has been updated to contain API bindings for vSphere 7.0.


The New-OAuthSecurityContext cmdlet has been added to the VMware.VimAutomation.Common module to allow an OAuth authentication in vSphere 7.0.


The New-VcsOAuthSecurityContext cmdlet has been moved from the VMware.VimAutomation.Vmc module to the new VMware.CloudServices module.


The security of the New-VcsOAuthSecurityContext cmdlet has been improved when using a browser authentication by adding support for Proof Key for Code Exchange (PKCE).


The VMware.VimAutomation.HorizonView module has been updated to support VMware Horizon 7 version 7.12.


The UseRemoteAuthentication parameter has been added to the Connect-NsxtServer cmdlet to support the Workspace ONE authentication.


The MobilityGroupMigration parameter has been added to the New-HCXMigration cmdlet enabling you to create a client side HCXMigration object which can be provided as an input to the New-HCXMobilityGroup cmdlet.


The Vcpus and Memory parameters have been added to the Get-HCXMigration cmdlet.


The Force parameter has been added to the Remove-HCXServiceMesh and Remove-HCXNetworkExtension cmdlets providing the ability to force remove the service mesh and network extensions.

bug fix Add-Passthroughdevice
Add-Passthroughdevice fails when you try to add another PCI device.
bug fix Get-AlarmDefinition
When using Remove-AlarmAction, you cannot remove some actions for a predefined alarm.
bug fix Get-CIUSer
If your role is not set, Get-CIUser fails.
bug fix Get-ContentLibrary
Get-ContentLibrary throws an error for content libraries that are backed by a file share.
bug fix Get-OMAlertDefinition
If you run Get-OMAlertDefinition against vRealize Operations Manager 7.0 or later, you receive an error message of type fromIndex(1000) > toIndex(448).
bug fix Get-SpbmStoragePolicy
When trying to retrieve Virtual Volumes replication group details, the operation throws an exception of type The string was not recognized as a valid DateTime. There is an unknown word starting at index 0.
bug fix Get-SpbmReplicationGroup
Throws “Exceeded the maximum number of elements in batch that the VASA provider can support.” error if the environment has large number of replication groups.
bug fix Move-VM
Cross vCenter vMotion of powered off virtual machines may fail to properly attach the network adapters to the specified port group and may leave them disconnected.
bug fix New-AlarmAction
When creating an email alarm action with multiple recipients, they do not appear correctly in the UI.
bug fix New-HardDisk
When running New-HardDisk, the maximum number of hard disks per SCSI controller is incorrectly determined by the ESXi server version instead of by the virtual machine hardware version.
bug fix Set-HCXMobilityGroupMigration
  • When using Set-HCXMobilityGroupMigration, you cannot edit multiple parameters at the same time
  • When running Set-HCXMobilityGroupMigration, you cannot perform successive update operations on the mobility group.
bug fix When calling UpdateServerData() method on a vCloud Director object, you might receive an error message of type Resource not found.

VMware PowerCLI 11.5.0

Released 24 Oct 2019 | Documentation

Change Type Description

A number of new cmdlets have been added to the VMware.VimAutomation.Core module providing the ablitity to manage alarms: 



A number of new cmdlets have been added to the VMware.VimAutomation.Core module providing the ablitity to manage content libraries:



A number of new cmdlets have been added to the VMware.VimAutomation.Vmc module providing the ablitity to work with software-defined data centers (SDDC):



PowerCLI supports federated authentication when connecting to VMware Cloud on AWS for organizations that enable this in the VMware Cloud Services portal


The VMware.VimAutomation.Hcx module has been updated to support Replication Assisted vMotion (RAV) and OS Assisted Migration (OSAM)

modification New-AlarmAction
Allows the creation of an alarm action without being attached to an alarm.
modification New-AlarmActionTrigger
Allows the creation of an alarm action trigger without being attached to an action.
modification Set-AlarmDefinition
Allows to set the ReportingFrequencyMinutesReportingTolerancePercentageAlarmTrigger, and AlarmAction parameters.

The VirtualMachine object includes createDate as a property.


Allows to set a network by using the NetworkName or PortGroup parameters when deploying a virtual machine from template.


The performance of Get-TagGet-TagAssignmentRemove-TagAssignment, and Get-VM by tag has been improved.


The VMware.VimAutomation.HorizonView module has been updated to support VMware Horizon 7 version 7.10.


The Get-*Service formatting is improved in all modules where these cmdlets exist.

bug fix

If you are a member of too many domain groups, Connect-VIServer fails to get a SAML token.

bug fix

When using Get-HCXMigration, some filters like StateNumberOfMigration, and Username might not work.

bug fix

Get-VirtualPortGroup fails when there are no standard virtual port groups on a host.

bug fix

If the network name returned by Get-VirtualNetwork contains "/", it is displayed like "%2f".

bug fix

New-HardDisk fails when you try to add more than 60 disks.

bug fix

When running New-VM, you receive an error message of type Core_BaseCmdlet_UnknownError.

bug fix Test-HCXMigration
Test-HCXMigration throws an exception instead of a warning. This might mislead you that running Start-HCXMigration is not possible.
bug fix When an error occurs, you might receive a Could not convert field 'error_type' of structure 'com.vmware.vapi.std.errors.invalid_argument' message instead of a relevant error message.
bug fix In some cases, you might receive a message of type "Exception calling "GetRecoverySettings"

VMware PowerCLI 11.4.0

Released 20 Aug 2019 | Documentation

Change Type Description

The VMware.VimAutomation.HorizonView module has been updated to support the new API features in VMware Horizon 7 version 7.9


The Get-VsanResyncingOverview cmdlet has been added to the VMware.VimAutomation.Storage module. This cmdlet provides the ability to retrieve an overview of the vSAN resyncing objects


The Get-VsanEnterMaintanenceModeReport cmdlet has been added to the VMware.VimAutomation.Storage module. This cmdlet provides a report of objects which might have accessbility or compliance issues, as well as the cluster capacity when a host enters maintenance mode.


Repairs vSAN objects by passing a list of local PowerCLI objects. The Repair-VsanObject cmdlet is an alias of the Add-VsanObjectToRepairQueue cmdlet.


Retrieves the configurations of vSAN proactive rebalance and vSphere Update Manager baseline preference.


Supports configuring vSAN proactive rebalance and vSphere Update Manager baseline preference.


Adds the appliance version details and available versions to the information returned by the cmdlet.


Adds the ability to list the containers of type OrgVdc.


Adds the ability to list networks of type NsxtSegment and OrgVdcNetwork.
Adds the ForExtension parameter to list the networks available for extension.


Adds the ServiceStatus property to list the status of individual services.


Adds the ability to upgrade the interconnect appliances.


Adds the ability to extend networks of type NsxtSegment.

bug fix

The migration types do not appear correctly in the Cmdlet Reference.

bug fix

When using Get-HCXInterconnectStatus, a message of type An item with the same key has already been added appears.

bug fix

When running Get-HCXServiceMesh, the operation throws an exception of type Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

bug fix

The DestinationNetworkValue property does not appear in the network object of the replication object.

VMware PowerCLI 11.3.0

Released 20 June 2019 | Documentation

Change Type Description

The VMware.Vim module has been updated to support the new API features in VMware vSphere 6.7 Update 2.


The Get-VirtualNetwork cmdlet has been added to the VMware.VimAutomation.Core module, providing the ability to retrieve all virtual networks in your vSphere environment (network, distributed, and opaque).


The Get-SpbmView cmdlet has been added to the VMware.VimAutomation.Storage module, providing the ability to retrieve SPBM views for the managed objects in the SPBM server.


New cmdlets for ComputeProfile, NetworkProfile, ServiceMesh, InventoryDVS, InventoryNetwork, InventoryDatastore, InventoryCompute, Appliance, Job, NetworkBacking, ComputeProfileDvs, ComputeProfileNetwork, and ServiceMeshDvs have been added to the VMware.VimAutomation.Hcx module.


Supports the SriovEthernetCard and Vmxnet3Vrdma adapter types and adds the PhysicalFunction and DeviceProtocol parameters.


Supports arrays for the Entity and Tag parameters which allows a better performance when doing multiple tag assignments.


The GrantShellAccess parameter has been deprecated.


The GrantShellAccess parameter has been deprecated.


Adds the PromoteDisks parameter to promote a linked clone virtual machine to a full clone virtual machine.


Adds default storage policy of a datastore and removes support of the Cluster object with respect to its SpbmEnabled status. From vSphere 6.0 or later, this status is not supported, as it is always enabled and cannot be disabled by the user.


Adds default storage policy of a datastore and removes support of the Cluster object with respect to its SpbmEnabled status. From vSphere 6.0 or later, this status is not supported, as it is always enabled and cannot be disabled by the user.

bug fix

When running Connect/Disconnect-HVServer multiple times, the memory increases drastically.

bug fix

When using Connect-VIServer, the cmdlet cannot connect to a vCenter Server system with a user who does not have permissions on the vCenter Server object.

bug fix

Get-LicenseDataManager does not work with a non-trusted vCenter Server certificate.

bug fix

When using Get-Folder with the Location parameter, the cmdlet incorrectly shows the cluster as a possible location.

bug fix

Get-Harddisk returns all disks from the working directory when the working directory is a datastore.

bug fix

When using New-Folder with the Location parameter, the cmdlet incorrectly shows the cluster as a possible location.

bug fix

When running Test-VsanClusterHealth, the cmdlet does not work in the VMware vSphere 6.0 Update 3 environment.

VMware PowerCLI 11.2.0

Released 28 February 2019 | Documentation

Change Type Description

The new VMware.VimAutomation.Hcx module provides the ability to manage your hybrid cloud configuration and tasks in VMware Hybrid Cloud Extension through PowerCLI.


The New-VcsOAuthSecurityContext cmdlet has been added to the VMware.VimAutomation.Vmc module, providing the ability to create an OAuth2 security context object that you can use to authenticate a user with any VMware Cloud service.


The New-VISamlSecurityContext cmdlet has been added to the VMware.VimAutomation.Core module, providing the ability to connect to vCenter Server systems through an OAuth2 security context (VMware Cloud on AWS GovCloud only).


The Get-NsxtPolicyService cmdlet has been added to the VMware.VimAutomation.Nsxt module, providing the ability to interact with VMware NSX-T policy services.


Adds the new SamlSecurityContext parameter, providing the ability to connect to vCenter Server systems through the SAML security context (VMware Cloud on AWS GovCloud only).


Works with NSX-T opaque networks.


Assigns an adapter with an opaque network backing.


Adds support to query the space usage status if all vSAN objects are assigned the specified storage policy.


Adds the CustomizedSwapObjectEnabledGuestTrimUnmapLargeClusterSupportedObjectRepairTimerMinutes, and SiteReadLocalityEnabled configuration parameters .


Adds the new DurationInSecond parameter to specify the duration of a network performance test.

bug fix

When running New-VM without the NetworkName parameter specified on VMware Cloud on AWS, the cmdlet throws a NullReferenceException error message.

bug fix

When using New-VM, you cannot clone a virtual machine with an SDRS anti-affinity rule.

bug fix When using Remove-VmHostNtpServer, you cannot remove the NTP servers.
bug fix When running Get-ScsiLun and other ESXCLI cmdlets on a vCenter Server connection, the performance is slow.
bug fix Move-VM requires the usage of the Destination parameter.
bug fix Copy-DatastoreItem fails when the datastore name contains special characters.
bug fix When running Get-TagAssignment, the cmdlet might fail with а message of type Value cannot be null.
bug fix

The WebOperationTimeoutSeconds configuration parameter does not apply to the SSO service.

bug fix When deploying a virtual machine through PowerCLI to an SDRS manual cluster, the operation creates a virtual machine override rule as fully automated.

VMware PowerCLI 11.1.0

Released 20 December 2018 | Documentation

Change Type Description

The VMware.VimAutomation.Srm module has been updated to support VMware Site Recovery Manager 8.1 API features and has been ported to work on macOS and Linux

bug fix

When running Get-VsanDisk, the cmdlet cannot return the vSAN disks on the witness component

bug fix

Start-SpbmReplicationTestFailover requires passing a VvolID object.

VMware PowerCLI 11.0.0

Released 11 October 2018 | Documentation

Change Type Description
feature A number of new cmdlets have been added to the VMware.VimAutomation.Cloud module:
  • Get-EdgeGateway
  • New-OrgVdcNetwork
  • Remove-OrgVdcNetwork
  • Set-OrgVdcNetwork
feature New VMware.VimAutomation.Security module that provides provides cmdlets for managing vSphere Security, including virtual Trusted Platform Module (vTPM) has been added and includes following cmdlets:
  • Get-SecurityInfo
  • Get-VTpm
  • Get-VTpmCertificate
  • Get-VTpmCSR
  • New-VTpm
  • Remove-VTpm
  • Set-VTpm
  • Unlock-VM
feature A number of new cmdlets have been added to the VMware.VimAutomation.Core module:
  • Get-VMHostProfileUserConfiguration
  • Get-VMHostProfileStorageDeviceConfiguration
  • Get-VMHostProfileImageCacheConfiguration
  • Get-VMHostProfileVmPortGroupConfiguration
  • Set-VMHostProfileUserConfiguration
  • Set-VMHostProfileStorageDeviceConfiguration
  • Set-VMHostProfileImageCacheConfiguration
  • Set-VMHostProfileVmPortGroupConfiguration

A number of new cmdlets have been added to the VMware.VimAutomation.Storage module:

  • Get-VsanObject
  • Get-VsanComponent
feature The new Get-VmcSDDCNetworkService cmdlet has been added to the VMware.VimAutomation.Vmc module, providing the ability to expose the NSX-T Policy API on VMware Cloud on AWS
modification The VMware.VimAutomation.Nsxt module has been updated to support the new API features in VMware NSX-T 2.3
modification The VMware.Vim module has been updated to support the new API features in VMware vSphere 6.7 Update 1
modification The VMware.VimAutomation.HorizonView module has been updated to support the new API features in VMware Horizon 7 version 7.6
modification The VMware.VimAutomation.Cloud module has been updated to support vCloud Director 9.5 and has been ported to work with PowerShell Core
modification A number of new security related parameters have been added to the New-VM cmdlet:
  • KmsCluster
  • StoragePolicy
  • SkipHardDisks
  • ReplicationGroup
  • StoragePolicyTarget

A number of new security related parameters have been added to the Set-VM cmdlet:

  • DisableEncryption
  • KmsCluster
  • SkipHardDisks
  • StoragePolicy

A number of new security related parameters have been added to the Set-Harddisk cmdlet:

  • KmsCluster
  • StoragePolicy
  • DisableEncryption

A number of new security related parameters have been added to the New-Harddisk cmdlet:

  • KmsCluster
  • StoragePolicy
modification The new KmsCluster parameter has been added to the Set-VMHost cmdlet

Adds support of predefined time ranges (1 minute, 5 minutes, 1 day, and so on) for statistics collection.


Adds more properties in output.


Adds support of logical not operator in tag-based rules.


Adds a line of service support for fetching the SPBM capabilities.


Adds а storage policy component support.


Adds а storage policy component support.


Adds а storage policy component support.

modification The Get-ErrorReport cmdlet has been updated to provide relevant debugging information
modification The VMware.VimAutomation.HA module, that contains the deprecated Get-DrmInfo cmdlet, has been removed
modification The VMware.VimAutomation.PCloud module has been removed
bug fix When using New-VM with the Confirm parameter, the cmdlet incorrectly reports CPU and memory as different from what the user specifies
bug fix New-VM cannot accept a datastore cluster as a storage target
bug fix When running Get-VM, the cmdlet might fail with а message of type Value cannot be null
bug fix When you run Get-VM filtering by standard switch, the cmdlet returns virtual machines from multiple hosts even if the specific network is on a specific host
bug fix When using Get-View with the Property parameter, the cmdlet might throw a VIM exception.
bug fix When you run Get-NetworkAdapter and the virtual machine is connected to an NSX-T logical network, the NetworkName parameter appears empty.
bug fix Set-NetworkName cannot accept the NetworkName parameter for opaque NSX-T networks.
bug fix Remove-VDPortGroup points to wrong public documentation URL link.

VMware PowerCLI 10.2.0

Released 20 August 2018 | Documentation

Change Type Description

The VMware.VimAutomation.Nsxt module has been updated to support VMware NSX-T version 2.2


The VMware.VimAutomation.PCloud module, that provides cmdlets for automating vCloud Air features, has been deprecated. The module will be removed in a future release.

bug fix

When running Get-VIEvent, you might receive an error message of type Error in deserializing body of reply message for operation 'RetrieveProperties'.

VMware PowerCLI 10.1.1

Released 18 June 2018 | Documentation

Change Type Description
modification The VMware.VimAutomation.HorizonView module has been updated to support VMware Horizon 7 version 7.5
bug fix When using Connect-HVServer, the operation might fail due to insufficient privileges
bug fix When running Connect-HVServer, you might receive an error message of type The request channel timed out while waiting for a reply after 00:01:39.9969495.

VMware PowerCLI 10.1.0

Released 26 April 2018 | Documentation

Change Type Description

A new VMware.Vim module has been added. It provides vSphere API bindings, allowing access to the latest features available in the VMware Cloud software-defined data centers (SDDCs)

feature The Set-ScriptBundleAssociation and Remove-ScriptBundle cmdlets have been added to the VMware.DeployAutomation module, providing the ability to work with script bundles

The NSX-T module has been updated to support the new API features in VMware NSX-T 2.1


VMware PowerCLI has been updated to support the new API features in VMware vSphere 6.7

modification The Import-VApp cmdlet has been updated to support SHA-256 and SHA-512 hash algorithms
modification The Version parameter of the New-VM and Set-VM cmdlets has been deprecated and replaced by the HardwareVersion parameter that accepts string input
modification The Version property of the VirtualMachine object has been deprecated and replaced by the HardwareVersion property
bug fix When using Get-TagAssignment, you cannot query tags on datastore clusters.
bug fix When running Get-VDPortgroup, names that contain a "/" character are returned with a "%2f" string from the API.
bug fix When you try to migrate a virtual machine to VMware Cloud on AWS by using Cross vCenter Server vMotion, the operation might fail.
bug fix When you run Set-PowerCLIConfiguration and the value of the InvalidCertificateAction parameter is set to Unset or Warn, valid certificates might appear as invalid.
bug fix VMware.VimAutomation.Vds: Cmdlet formatting does not work.

VMware PowerCLI 10.0.0

Released 28 February 2018 | Documentation

Change Type Description

VMware.VimAutomation.Core, VMware.VimAutomation.Common, VMware.VimAutomation.Sdk, VMware.VimAutomation.Vds, VMware.VimAutomation.Cis.Core, VMware.VimAutomation.Storage, and VMware.VimAutomation.StorageUtility modules have been ported to work with PowerShell Core 6.0.1 on macOS 10.12 and Ubuntu 16.04.


Removed the Get-VMGuestNetworkInterface, Set-VMGuestNetworkInterface, Get-VMGuestRoute, New-VMGuestRoute, and Remove-VMGuestRoute cmdlets from the VMware.VimAutomation.Core module.


Changed the default value of the Scope parameter of the Set-PowerCLIConfiguration cmdlet from AllUsers to User.

modification Changed the default value of the InvalidCertificateAction parameter of the Set-PowerCLIConfiguration cmdlet from Prompt to Fail.
modification Removed the Client property of all PowerCLI objects.
bug fix (Get-Datacenter | Get-Cluster) fails when there is more than one datacenter.
bug fix Get-OMResource stops running when you query for a virtual machine with a # in the name.
bug fix When running Get-Tag on OS with locale different than en-US, an error message about an unparsable date might appear.
bug fix Get-TagAssignment throws an error when connected to two servers.
bug fix Get-TagAssignment does not return Tag Catagory in the Tag output when running against vCenter Server 6.5.
bug fix When you want to migrate a virtual machine with snapshots from VMFS 5 datastore to VMFS 6 datastore, the operation fails and you receive an error message of type "The specified delta disk format 'redoLogFormat' is not supported".
bug fix When using New-HardDisk, you cannot add an existing raw device mapping (RDM) to another virtual machine. You receive an error message of type "Incompatible device backing specified for device '0'".
bug fix New-NetworkAdapter and Set-NetworkAdapter only accept manual MAC addresses in the valid 00:50:56 range.
bug fix When you have multiple connections to the same vCenter Server system in different PowerShell runspaces, a memory leak issue occurs.

VMware PowerCLI 6.5.4

Released 17 November 2017 | Documentation

Change Type Description
feature Added the VMware.VimAutomation.Vmc module, which contains the Connect-Vmc, Disconnect-Vmc, and Get-VmcService cmdlets, and lets you manage the organizations in VMware Cloud on AWS.
feature Added the Get-VsanEvacuationPlan, Get-VsanRuntimeInfo, Repair-VsanObject, Start-VsanClusterRebalance, Start-VsanEncryptionConfiguration, Stop-VsanClusterRebalance, Add-KeyManagementServer, Get-KeyManagementServer, Get-KmipClientCertificate, Get-KmsCluster, New-KmipClientCertificate, Remove-KeyManagementServer, Set-KeyManagementServer, and Set-KmsCluster cmdlets that let you manage various vSAN features.
improvement Added vNIC and pNIC support for vSAN stat in the Get-VsanStat cmdlet.
improvement Added the EncryptionEnabled, EraseDiskBeforeUse, KmsCluster, SkipHostRemediation, and SpaceEfficiencyEnabled parameters to the Start-VsanClusterDiskUpdate cmdlet that let you reformat the vSAN disk with encryption settings.
improvement Added the AddSilentHealthCheck, RemoveSilentHealthCheck, ResyncThrottlingMbps, and WitnessHost parameters to the Set-VsanClusterConfiguration cmdlet that let you manage the vSAN health checks list and resynchronization traffic limit.
improvement Added encryption test results to the vSAN clusters health in the Test-VsanClusterHealth cmdlet.
modification Moved the .NET assembly Newtonsoft.Json.dll file from the VMware.VimAutoamtion.Storage and VMware.VimAutomation.Cis.Core modules into the VMware.VimAutomation.Common module.
modification Deprecated the VMware.VimAutomation.HA module that contains the Get-DrmInfo cmdlet. The module will be removed in a future release.
modification Deprecated the Test-VsanStoragePerformance cmdlet which will be removed in a future release.
bug fix All cmdlets from the VMware.DeployAutomation module throw permissions exceptions after reconnecting or creating a new session.
bug fix When the Set-SPBMEntityConfiguration cmdlet encounters $null values, the PowerShell session no longer exits.


VMware PowerCLI 6.5.3

Released 10 October 2017 | Documentation

Change Type Description
feature Added the NSX-T module, which contains the Connect-NsxtServer, Disconnect-NsxtServer, and Get-NsxtService cmdlets, and lets you manage NSX-T servers.
feature Added a new Create method to the Get-CisService and Get-NsxtService cmdlets.

VMware PowerCLI 6.5.2

Released 08 August 2017 | Documentation

Change Type Description
feature Added the InventoryLocation parameter to the Move-VM cmdlet that lets you specify a datacenter or a virtual machine folder where you want to move the virtual machine.
feature Added the InventoryLocation parameter to the Import-VApp cmdlet that lets you specify a datacenter or a virtual machine folder where you want to place the new vApp. This folder serves as a logical container for inventory organization.
feature Added the InventoryLocation parameter to the New-VApp cmdlet that lets you specify a datacenter or a virtual machine folder where you want to place the new vApp.
feature Added the ContentLibraryIso parameter to the New-CDDrive cmdlet that lets you specify the content library item of type ISO that you want to mount on the new CD drive.
modification Removed outdated information about experimental features from the Set-HardDisk, New-HardDisk, New-VM, and Install-VMHostPatch cmdlets.
bug fix The Get-VM cmdlet does not return virtual machines in a read-only environment.
bug fix When you have established multiple active connections to vCenter Server and use New-TagAssignment with string arguments for the Tag and Entity parameters, you might receive an error message of type The specified parameter 'Tag' expects a single value, but your name criteria '...' corresponds to multiple values.
bug fix If you connect to a vCenter Server 6.5 system and set an IPv6 address to a virtual NIC, the value of the AutomaticIPv6 property of the Set-VMHostNetworkAdapter cmdlet is changed to $true instead of $false.

VMware PowerCLI 6.5.1

Released 20 April 2017 | Documentation

Change Type Description
feature Enabled the deployment and management of PowerCLI as a PowerShell module, including the ability to be able to download and update the PowerCLI functionality through the PowerShell Gallery.
feature Added the Get-DRSClusterGroup, New-DRSClusterGroup, Set-DRSClusterGroup, Remove-DRSClusterGroup, Get-DRSVMHostRule, New-DRSVMHostRule, Set-DRSVMHostRule, and Remove-DRSVMHostRule cmdlets that let you work with DRS cluster groups and VMHost rules.
feature Added the Get-VsanIscsiInitiatorGroup, New-VsanIscsiInitiatorGroup, Set-VsanIscsiInitiatorGroup, Remove-VsanIscsiInitiatorGroup, Get-VsanIscsiTarget, New-VsanIscsiTarget, Set-VsanIscsiTarget, Remove-VsanIscsiTarget, Get-VsanIscsiInitiatorGroupTargetAssociation, New-VsanIscsiInitiatorGroupTargetAssociation, Remove-VsanIscsiInitiatorGroupTargetAssociation, Get-VsanIscsiLun, New-VsanIscsiLun, Set-VsanIscsiLun, and Remove-VsanIscsiLun cmdlets that let you manage additional vSAN iSCSI features.
feature Added the Get-VsanStat and Get-VsanView cmdlets that let you work with vSAN performance metrics and provide access to the VSAN API.
feature Added the Start-SpbmReplicationPromote, Start-SpbmReplicationTestFailover, Start-VsanDiskFormatUpdate, and Stop-SpbmReplicationTestFailover cmdlets that let you use Storage Policy Based Management (SPBM) features.
feature Added the Storage Utility module that contains a cmdlet for updating VMFS datastores.
improvement Updated the VMware Horizon module to work with additional Horizon View API features.
improvement Separated the VMware Site Recovery Manager (SRM) module from the core vSphere module into the new VMware.VimAutomation.Srm module and updated it to include the latest views of the SRM 6.5 API.
improvement Updated the vRealize Operations Manager module to include the latest views of the vRealize Operations Manager 6.5 API.
modification Removed the MSI file for installing VMware PowerCLI. All modules are now available in the PowerShell Gallery.
modification Removed the desktop icons for launching VMware PowerCLI. It is recommended that you launch PowerShell or your chosen PowerShell-enabled script editor (for example PowerShell ISE or Visual Code) to work with VMware PowerCLI.
modification Removed the PowerCLI User's Guide that was provided as part of the PowerCLI installation. You can refer to the online version for the latest information.
modification Altered the VMware PowerCLI modules to enable automatic loading of modules that are loaded into a registered PowerShell modules folder. The use of Import-Module is no longer required in scripts or profiles to import the modules. All cmdlets will be automatically loaded when used in your PowerShell session.
bug fix The PowerShell module auto-load function does not work for PowerCLI modules.
bug fix If you install PowerCLI 6.5 Release 1 on top of an existing PowerCLI installation and you start the PowerCLI console for the first time, you might receive an error message of type Unable to find type [VMware.VimAutomation.Sdk.Util10.ProductInfo].
bug fix When running in 64-bit mode, PowerCLI cannot detect the registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\VMware, Inc.\VMware PowerCLI\, which is used for determining the PowerCLI installation folder. Instead, you can use the following key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\VMware, Inc.\VMware PowerCLI.

VMware PowerCLI 6.5 Release 1

Released 17 November 2016 | Documentation

Change Type Description
feature Enhanced the Move-VM cmdlet to provide the ability to use vMotion to move a virtual machine across vCenter Server systems, otherwise known as a Cross vCenter vMotion.
feature Added the CoresPerSocket parameter to the New-VM cmdlet that lets you specify the number of CPU cores when creating virtual machines.
feature Added the Get-VsanClusterConfiguration, Set-VsanClusterConfiguration, Update-VsanHclDatabase, New-VsanFaultDomain, Get-VsanFaultDomain, Set-VsanFaultDomain, Remove-VsanFaultDomain, Test-VsanVMCreation, Test-VsanNetworkPerformance, Test-VsanStoragePerformance, Test-VsanClusterHealth, Get-VsanSpaceUsage, and Get-VsanResyncingComponent cmdlets that let you automate various Virtual SAN features.
feature Enhanced the New-VsanDiskGroup, Get-VsanDiskGroup, Remove-VsanDiskGroup, New-VsanDisk, Get-VsanDisk, and Remove-VsanDisk cmdlets to extend the automation of Virtual SAN features.
feature Added the New-VDisk, Get-VDisk, Set-VDisk, Remove-VDisk, Copy-VDisk, and Move-VDisk cmdlets that let you manage virtual disks.
feature Enhanced the New-HardDisk, Remove-HardDisk, New-TagAssignment, and Remove-TagAssignment cmdlets to let you perform operations with VDisk objects.
feature Added the Get-SpbmFaultDomain, Get-SpbmReplicationGroup, Sync-SpbmReplicationGroup, Get-SpbmReplicationPair, Start-SpbmReplicationPrepareFailover, Start-SpbmReplicationFailover, and Start-SpbmReplicationReverse cmdlets that let you manage VMware Virtual Volumes replication features.
feature Enhanced the Get-VM, New-VM, Get-SpbmEntityConfiguration, and Set-SpbmEntityConfiguration cmdlets to let you perform operations with replication groups.
feature Added the VMware.VimAutomation.HorizonView module which provides cmdlets that let you manage VMware Horizon features.
improvement Converted all remaining snap-ins to modules.
improvement Updated the Open-VMConsoleWindow cmdlet to use the latest version of the VMware Remote Console (VMRC).
improvement Added support for PowerShell 5.1.
bug fix Get-OMStatKey might return statistic keys that are displayed as numbers instead of SI units.
bug fix If you run Remove-SpbmStoragePolicy with an array of storage policy objects, and one of the objects does not exist, you receive a terminating error.
bug fix Set-SpbmStoragePolicy can assign the same name to multiple storage policies in the same environment.

VMware vSphere PowerCLI 6.3 Release 1

Released 17 March 2016 | Documentation

Change Type Description
feature Added the Get-ContentLibraryItem cmdlet that lets you list all content library items from all content libraries available to the connection.
feature Added the ContentLibrary parameter to the New-VM cmdlet that lets you deploy items located in a content library.
feature Added the V2 parameter to the Get-ESXCLI cmdlet that lets you specify method arguments by name.
improvement Optimized the Get-VM cmdlet to ensure maximum speed when returning larger amounts of virtual machine information. This cmdlet should now run faster and increase the speed of reporting and automation for all scripts that use it.
improvement Updated the Get-View cmdlet to auto-complete all available view objects in the ViewType parameter.
improvement Added support for Windows 10 and PowerShell 5.0.
improvement Added support for VMware vCloud Director 8.0.
improvement Added support for VMware vRealize Operations Manager 6.2.
modification Removed the New-CustomField, Remove-CustomField, and Set-CustomField cmdlets.

VMware vSphere PowerCLI 6.0 Release 3

Released 03 November 2015 | Documentation

Change Type Description
feature Added the ParticipateInCeip and CEIPDataTransferProxyPolicy parameters to the Set-PowerCLIConfiguration cmdlet that let you participate in the VMware Customer Experience Improvement Program (CEIP). You can choose to join or leave the CEIP at any time.
bug fix Some vSphere Update Manager PowerCLI cmdlets do not return help or examples when using the Get-Help cmdlet.
bug fix The VMware.VimAutomation.License module does not load correctly, preventing access to the cmdlets which are part of this module.

VMware vSphere PowerCLI 6.0 Release 2

Released 15 September 2015 | Documentation

Change Type Description
feature Added the VMware.VimAutomation.vROps module which provides cmdlets that let you automate vRealize Operations Manager features.
feature Added the VMware.VumAutomation module which provides cmdlets that let you automate vSphere Update Manager features.
feature Added the VCA parameter to the Connect-PIServer cmdlet and the Get-PIComputeInstance cmdlet that let you connect to and manage vCloud Air On-Demand (vCA) instances.
feature Added the Get-VMHostHardware and Get-VMHostPCIDevice cmdlets that let you query ESXi hosts and provide core system and hardware information.
feature Added the New-VasaProvider, Remove-VasaProvider, Get-VasaProvider, and Get-VasaStorageArray cmdlets that let you work with VMware vSphere API for Storage Awareness (VASA).
feature Added the New-NfsUser, Remove-NfsUser, Get-NfsUser, and Set-NfsUser cmdlets that let you work with NFS version 4.1.
feature Added the Set-VAIOFilter cmdlet that lets you upgrade vSphere APIs for IO Filtering (VAIO) filters.
improvement Converted the VMware.VimAutomation.License snap-in to a PowerShell module. As part of this change, PowerCLI scripts should be adjusted, where applicable, to check for module existence instead of PSSnapins. In this release the PowerCLI modules have also been moved to the PSModulePath environment variable allowing all users of a machine to access them.
improvement Changed the PowerCLI starting directory from the full installation path of PowerCLI to the root of the installation drive for ease of use and quicker interaction with the interactive console.
improvement Added support for VMware vCenter Site Recovery Manager (SRM) 6.1.
improvement Added support for VMware vCloud Director 8.0 features which are provided by the backwards compatibility of the vCloud Director API.
modification Deprecated the Get-OrgNetwork cmdlet and added the Get-OrgVdcNetwork cmdlet.
bug fix You cannot run scripts that use filtering by name by using PowerShell ISE with Windows PowerShell 4.0.
bug fix If you run a vCloud Director PowerCLI cmdlet that uses filtering by name when using Powershell ISE with Windows PowerShell 4.0, the search might not return any result.
bug fix If you run PowerCLI with a user profile different to the user who installed PowerCLI 6.0 R1 on the machine and you try to perform an operation, you receive an error message.

VMware vSphere PowerCLI 6.0 Release 1

Released 12 March 2015 | Documentation

Change Type Description
feature Added the VMware.VimAutomation.PCloud module which provides cmdlets that let you manage vCloud Air instances. Existing cmdlets for managing vCloud Director can be used to work with vCloud Air where applicable.
feature Added the VMware.VimAutomation.Cis.Core module which provides cmdlets that let you manage vCloud Suite SDK servers.
feature Added the VMware.VimAutomation.HA module which provides the Get-DRMInfo cmdlet that lets you retrieve Distributed Resource Management dump information.
feature Added the Get-VAIOFilter, New-VAIOFilter, and Remove-VAIOFilter cmdlets that let you add, remove, and view details of I/O filters.
feature Added the Get-VsanDisk, Get-VsanDiskGroup, New-VsanDisk, New-VsanDiskGroup, Remove-VsanDisk, and Remove-VsanDiskGroup cmdlets that let you manage VMware Virtual SAN and Virtual SAN disks.
improvement Changed the core distribution model of PowerCLI cmdlets. In this version some snap-ins have been converted to PowerShell modules. As part of this change, PowerCLI scripts should be adjusted, where applicable, to check for module existence instead of PSSnapins.
improvement Enhanced the New-Cluster, Set-Cluster, New-VMHostNetworkAdapter, and Set-VMHostNetworkAdapter cmdlets to enable the management of Virtual SAN in their respective areas.
improvement Adjusted the New-VM and Set-VM cmdlets to work with vSphere 6.0 and virtual hardware version 11.
modification Deprecated the Get-VMGuestNetworkInterface, Set-VMGuestNetworkInterface, Get-VMGuestRoute, New-VMGuestRoute, and Remove-VMGuestRoute cmdlets.
modification Renamed the Apply-VMHostProfile, Apply-DrsRecommendation, Shutdown-VMGuest cmdlets to Invoke-VMHostProfile, Invoke-DrsRecommendation, and Stop-VMGuest respectively.
bug fix After you use Get-OvfConfiguration to retrieve the OVF configuration object for an OVA package, you cannot delete or move the OVA package.

VMware vSphere PowerCLI 5.8 Release 1

Released 09 September 2014 | Documentation

Change Type Description
feature Added the VMware.VimAutomation.Storage snap-in which provides cmdlets that let you manage vSphere policy-based storage.
feature Added the New-CIVM and Get-CIVMTemplate cmdlets, and modified the New-CIVapp cmdlet that let you manage cloud virtual machines, cloud virtual machine templates, and vApps.
improvement Added support for VMware vCloud Director 5.6.3.
improvement Added support for the VMware vCenter Site Recovery Manager (SRM) 5.8 API.
improvement Added support for OVF and OVA deployment configuration by adding the OvfConfiguration parameter to the Import-VApp cmdlet and adding the Get-OvfConfiguration cmdlet.
improvement Improved the performance of the initial cmdlet in a session.
improvement Added the Tag parameter to the Get-Cluster, Get-DatastoreCluster, Get-Folder, Get-ResourcePool, Get-DistributedSwitch, Get-Datacenter, and Get-VApp cmdlets that lets you filter objects by tag.
improvement Improved error reporting by including more details.
improvement Added support for the RelatedObject parameter to the Get-HardDisk cmdlet.
improvement Added support for filtering by both DistributedSwitch and VMHost parameters to the Get-VMHostNetworkAdapter cmdlet.
bug fix The RelatedObject parameter of the Get-ResourcePool cmdlet does not accept ProviderVdc objects through the pipeline.

VMware vSphere PowerCLI 5.5 Release 2

Released 11 March 2014 | Documentation

Change Type Description
feature Added the New-Tag, Remove-Tag, Set-Tag, Get-TagCategory, New-TagCategory, Remove-TagCategory, and Set-TagCategory cmdlets that let you manage tags and tag categories.
feature Added support for configuring Enhanced vMotion Compatibility (EVC) mode.
feature Exposed the VMware vCenter Site Recovery Manager (SRM) API through PowerCLI.
feature Added the Get-SecurityPolicy and Set-SecurityPolicy cmdlets that let you manage security policies for vSphere standard switches and port groups.
improvement Added support for Windows PowerShell 4.0.
improvement Enhanced support for vSphere servers configured with IPv6.
improvement Added the VMotionPriority parameter to the Move-VM cmdlet to let you specify the priority of a migration.
improvement Extended the RelatedObject parameter of the Get-Datastore cmdlet to accept Harddisk and Cluster objects.
improvement Added the ability to specify all supported types to the Get-Stat and Get-StatType cmdlets.
improvement Added support for e1000e network adapter type.
improvement Added the ability to specify all values for DiskStorageFormat when cloning a virtual machine from a template or another virtual machine.
improvement Added 64-bit mode support for the New-OSCustomizationSpec and Set-OSCustomizationSpec cmdlets.
improvement Added the ToolsVersion property to VMGuest that shows the version as a user-friendly string.
improvement Extended the RelatedObject parameter of the Get-VirtualSwitch and Get-DVSwitch cmdlets to accept virtual port groups.
improvement Added the VirtualSwitch parameter to the Get-VM cmdlet to let you retrieve virtual machines by virtual switches.
modification Deprecated the Get-VMHostPatch cmdlet.
bug fix A problem occurs with the Invoke-VMScript cmdlet when running Bash scripts containing the variable character ($).
bug fix The tagging cmldets do not work with vCenter Server systems running in linked mode.
bug fix The Copy-VMGuestFile cmdlet creates a redundant folder when copying a file.
bug fix If you export an OVA package larger than 8GB, the TAR header becomes corrupted and you cannot import this package.

VMware vSphere PowerCLI 5.5 Release 1

Released 19 September 2013 | Documentation

Change Type Description
feature Added the Open-VMConsoleWindow cmdlet that lets you connect to remote virtual machine consoles through PowerCLI.
feature The Get-VMHost cmdlet now returns host license information. The Set-VMHost cmdlet now lets you update the host license by using the LiceseKey parameter.
feature Added the Get-VDSwitchPrivateVlan, New-VDSwitchPrivateVlan, and Remove-VDSwitchPrivateVlan cmdlets that let you manage private VLANs.
feature Added the Get-VDUplinkTeamingPolicy, Set-VDUplinkTeamingPolicy, Get-VDBlockedPolicy, Set-VDBlockedPolicy, Get-VDPortGroupOverridePolicy, Set-VDPortGroupOverridePolicy, Get-VDSecurityPolicy, Set-VDSecurityPolicy, Get-VDTrafficShapingPolicy, Set-VDTrafficShapingPolicy, Get-VDUplinkLacpPolicy, and Set-VDUplinkLacpPolicy cmdlets that let you retrieve and manage policies.
feature Added the Set-VDLanConfiguration cmdlet that lets you manage VLAN configurations.
feature Added the Get-VDPort and Set-VDPort cmdlets that let you manage distributed ports.
feature Added the Tag parameter to the Get-VM, Get-VMHost, Get-Datastore, Get-VirtualPortGroup, and Get-VDPortGroup cmdlets that lets you filter objects by tag. Also added the Get-TagAssignment, New-TagAssignment, and Remove-TagAssignment cmdlets that let you manage tag assignments and the Get-Tag cmdlet that lets you retrieve tags.
feature Added the VsanTrafficEnabled parameter to the New-VMHostNetworkAdapter and Set-VMHostNetworkAdapter cmdlets, and the VsanEnabled and VsanDiskClaimMode parameters to the New-Cluster and Set-Cluster cmdlets that let you manage VSAN configurations.
improvement Added support for Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012 as PowerCLI local operating systems.
improvement Enhanced the management of prerequisites in the PowerCLI installer.
improvement Added support for VMware vCloud Director 5.5. You can automate only VMware vCloud Director 5.1 features against VMware vCloud Director 5.5.
modification Deprecated the Numports parameter of the New-VirtualSwitch and Set-VirtualSwitch cmdlets. In ESXi 5.5 or later, the value of the parameter is ignored.
modification Deprecated specifying network adapters with the Nic parameter of the Set-VirtualSwitch cmdlet. To specify network adapters, use the new Add-VirtualSwitchPhysicalNetworkAdapter cmdlet instead.
modification Deprecated the DisableVlan, PrivateVlanId, VlanId, and VlanTrunkRange parameters of the Set-VDPortgroup cmdlet. To manage VLAN settings, use the new Set-VDVlanConfiguration cmdlet instead.
bug fix Some cmdlets occasionally throw the error message An item with the same key has already been added.