Data Object - DVSNetworkResourceManagementCapability(vim.DistributedVirtualSwitch.NetworkResourceManagementCapability)

Property of
vSphere API 5.0

Data Object Description

Dataobject representing the feature capabilities of network resource management supported by the vSphere Distributed Switch.


Name Type Description

Flag to indicate whether Network Resource Control version 3 is supported. The API supported by Network Resouce Control version 3 include:
  1. VM virtual NIC network resource specification VirtualEthernetCardResourceAllocation
  2. VM virtual NIC network resource pool specification DVSVmVnicNetworkResourcePool
  3. Host infrastructure traffic network resource specification DvsHostInfrastructureTrafficResource
Network Resource Control version 3 is supported for Switch Version 6.0 or later.

Since vSphere API 6.0

Indicates whether network I/O control is supported on the vSphere Distributed Switch. Network I/O control is supported in vSphere Distributed Switch Version 4.1 or later.

High share level (SharesLevel.vim.SharesInfo.Level#high) for DVSNetworkResourcePoolAllocationInfo.shares.

The networkResourcePoolHighshareValue property implicitly defines the legal range of share values to be between 1 and this value. This property also defines values for other level types, such as vim.SharesInfo.Level#normal being one half of this value and vim.SharesInfo.Level#low being one fourth of this value. This feature is supported in vSphere Distributed Switch Version 4.1 or later.


Indicates whether Qos Tag(802.1p priority tag)is supported on the vSphere Distributed Switch. Qos Tag is supported in vSphere Distributed Switch Version 5.0 or later.

Indicates whether user defined infrastructure traffic pool supported in vSphere Distributed Switch.

Since vSphere API 6.7

Indicates whether the switch supports creating user defined resource pools. This feature is supported in vSphere Distributed Switch Version 5.0 or later.
Properties inherited from DynamicData
*Need not be set
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