Enum -
- Property of
InvalidPowerState, VirtualMachineRuntimeInfo, VirtualMachineSnapshotTree
- Parameter to
CheckMigrate_Task, MigrateVM_Task, ValidateMigration
- Since
- 2.0
Enum Description
The PowerState type defines a simple set of states for a virtual machine:
poweredOn, poweredOff, and suspended. This type does not model substates,
such as when a task is running to change the virtual machine state.
If the virtual machine is in a state with a task in progress, it
transitions to a new state when the task completes. For example, a virtual
machine continues to be in the poweredOn state while a suspend task
is running, and changes to the suspended state once the task finishes.
As a consequence of this approach, clients interested in monitoring
the status of a virtual machine should typically track the
RecentTask data object in addition to the
powerState object.
Enum Constants
Name | Description |
poweredOff |
poweredOn |
suspended |
Show WSDL type definition
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Revision 15 JAN 2021 | Version 7.0U2