Data Object - NvdimmRegionInfo(

Property of
vSphere API 6.7

Data Object Description

\brief NVDIMM region information. This represents a region which is a part of NVDIMM.


Name Type Description

Offset of nvdimm within interleave set. This represents offset with respect to base address in InterleaveSetInfo#baseAddress. If RegionInfo#setId is 0, this field is not valid.

Type of region. Must be one of the values of RangeType

NVDIMM region ID

Interleave set ID. Interleave set to which this region belongs. A value of 0 indicates that this region is not a part of any interleave set.

Size of region in bytes. If this region is part of interleave set (represented by non zero RegionInfo#setId) and the region is interleaved across multiple dimms (represented by more that one element in InterleaveSetInfo#deviceList for assosiated set id RegionInfo#setId), this size represents part of the interleave set size - (total interleave set size / number of dimms in InterleaveSetInfo#deviceList). Example: If Interleave set with set id 5, has a size of 2TB and has 2 NVDIMMs contributing to it (size of InterleaveSetInfo#deviceList is 2), then this size parameter is 2TB/2 = 1TB. If RegionInfo#setId is 0, this field is not valid.

Region start address. This represents the address within the NVDIMM to which this NVDIMM region belongs (Dimm physical address). If RegionInfo#setId is 0, this field is not valid.
Properties inherited from DynamicData

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