Create a Security Certificate for .NET SSO Samples Using Windows 8 or Earlier

By default VMware provides you a certificate in the .NET SSO samples directory which is not password protected. Use this procedure to replace the certificate if you are running Windows 8 or earlier.

You choose to replace the default certificate supplied with the SDK, at SDK/ssoclient/dotnet/cs/samples/certificate.


This procedure applies to Windows 8 or earlier.


  1. Open a Visual Studio Developer command prompt, running as Administrator.
  2. Change to the .NET SSO samples directory.
    cd installed_directory/SDK/ssoclient/dotnet/cs/samples
  3. Delete the default certificate provided by VMware.
    del *.pfx *.cer
  4. Use the makecert command to generate a new certificate file.
    makecert -r -pe -n "CN=*, OU=Ecosystem Engineering, O=\"VMware, Inc.\", L=Palo Alto, ST=California, C=US" -sky exchange -sv certificate\testssoclient.pvk certificate\testssoclient.cer
  5. Convert the certificate file to a .pfx format.
    pvk2pfx -pvk certificate\testssoclient.pvk -spc certificate\testssoclient.cer -pfx certificate\testssoclient.pfx
  6. Delete the .pvk and .cer files, which are no longer needed.
    del certificate\testssoclient.pvk 
    del certificate\testssoclient.cer

What to do next

Run the .NET SSO samples, using your new certificate.