Compliance or Compromised Protection
You can use a method in your SDK-built app to check the compromised status of devices. This method works whether the device is offline or online.
Code this method to work after initialization.
func initialCheckDoneWithError(_ error: Error!) { guard error != nil else { return } let status = AWController.clientInstance()?.jailBrokenStatus() if status == AWDeviceJailBroken { print("Device is jailbroken. Take necessary actions") } }
The method can return one of three
- AWDeviceJailBroken: The device is identified as compromised.
- AWDeviceNotJailBroken: The device is not identified as compromised.
- AWJailBrokenStatusNotAvailable: The status is not
available because the SDK initialization failed or the SDK is in the process of
being initialized.Note: The SDK refreshes the jailbroken status every time the app becomes active. If the status is queried during a refresh, the app returns AWJailBrokenStatusNotAvailable.