Assign the Default or Custom Profile

To apply Workspace ONE UEM features built with the VMware Workspace ONE SDK, you must apply the applicable default or custom profile to an application.

Apply the profile when you upload or edit the application to the Workspace ONE UEM console.

When you make changes to the default or custom profile, Workspace ONE UEM applies these edits when you select Save.

Changes can take a few minutes to push to end-user devices. Users can close and restart Workspace ONE UEM applications to receive updated settings. Make other configurations and then save the application and create assignments for its deployment.


  1. Navigate to Apps & Books > Applications > Native > Internal or Public.
  2. Add or edit an application.
  3. Select a profile on the SDK tab.
    Default Settings Profile
    • For Android applications, select the Android Default Settings @ <Organization Group > .
    • For Apple iOS applications, select the iOS Default Settings @ <Organization Group > .
    Custom Settings Profiles For Android and Apple iOS applications, select the applicable legacy or custom profile.
  4. Make other configurations and then save the application and create assignments for its deployment.