Before you can use the SDK, you must initialize it. The
AWController class is the main component responsible for initializing
the SDK.
In addition, it automatically handles and implements certain core SDK
functionalities to improve ease of integration for developers, such as the following
- Import the
file. Associate the AWControllerDelegate to your app delegate.
@interface AppDelegate : UIResponder <UIApplicationDelegate, AWSDKDelegate>
- Inside the app delegate, implement the following code:
- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions{// Configure the Controller by:AWController *controller = [AWController clientInstance];// 1) defining the callback scheme so the app can get called back,controller.callbackScheme = @"UrlScheme";// 2) set the delegate to know when the initialization has been completed.controller.delegate = self; return YES;}
- Start the SDK initialization inside the
applicationDidBecomeActive delegate method.
- (void)applicationDidBecomeActive:(UIApplication *)application {[[AWController clientInstance] start];}
Do not call the start method in
didFinishLaunchingWithOptions because the SDK may display
modal view controllers that rely on a reference view controller. Sometimes, when you
use a storyboard, the view controllers have not yet been generated at the time
didFinishLaunchingWIthOptions is called. To avoid any
unstable behavior with the app, call [[AWController clientInstance] start]
inside applicationDidBecomeActive instead.
- Implement the code to handle the callback from the Workspace ONE Intelligent Hub or Container app.
- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application openURL:(NSURL *)url sourceApplication:(NSString *)sourceApplication annotation:(id)annotation {return [[AWController clientInstance] handleOpenURL:url fromApplication:sourceApplication];}
- Implement the remaining delegate methods:
- (void)initialCheckDoneWithError: (NSError *)error
This delegate method is invoked when the SDK initializes. This
method is ALWAYS called after the SDK passes through the
initialization flow. If the initialization is successful, then the error object is
nil. If the initialization fails, then the error object contains the reason code for
why it fails.
- (void)receivedProfiles:(NSArray *)profiles
This delegate method is invoked when settings of an SDK profile
assigned to this application update on the Workspace ONE UEM console. It
notifies the app that new settings are available. The profiles array contains the list
of AWProfile objects that contain configuration payloads.
This delegate method is invoked immediately after you initiate a
new SSO session by inputting the correct password/passcode.
This method is invoked when the SSO session has expired and the
SDK passcode input view is displayed. It is intended for use as an indicator of when a
user no longer has to access the app. This lock allows the developer to implement the
necessary logic to take the proper action for when the app is locked.
This method is invoked when the SDK identifies that the device has
been wiped or unenrolled from the
Workspace ONE UEM console. This method is also
invoked when a user reaches the limit of failed passcode attempts defined in the SDK
Note: TheWorkspace ONE SDK for iOS
(Objective-C) only invokes this method, and it takes no other actions.
The application developer must implement the necessary local app wipe logic.
- (void)stopNetworkActivity
This method is invoked when the device connects to an SSID that is
blocked in the SDK profile.
- (void)resumeNetworkActivity
This method is invoked when the device connections to a valid SSID
after network activity is already stopped.
What to do next
For iOS 9+, ensure that the Device Services server meets Apple's
security requirements. The SDK must communicate with the Device Services server to run. The
system might block communication if the server does not comply with requirements. Search the
Apple Developer site for current application transport security requirements: