Get Tier-0 L2VPN session configuration for the peer site
Get peer config for the Tier-0 L2VPN session to configure the remote
side of the tunnel.
- no enforcement point path specified: L2VPN Session Peer Codes
will be evaluated on each enforcement point.
- enforcement point paths specified: L2VPN Session Peer Codes
are evaluated only on the given enforcement points.
API supported only when L2VPN Service is in Server Mode.
Deprecated: This API is deprecated. Please use GET /infra/tier-0s/<tier-0-id>/l2vpn-services/<service-id>/
sessions/<session-id>/peer-config instead.
The "transport_tunnel_path" returned in the payload wil be a new vpn path instead of the deprecated API path.
Please note that request is validated and any error messages returned from validation may include the new VPN path
instead of the deprecated path. Both new path and old path refer to same resource.
URI Path(s):
Query Parameters:
enforcement_point_path |
String Path of the enforcement point
enforcement point path, forward slashes must be escaped using %2F.
string |
Example Request:
GET https://<policy-mgr>/policy/api/v1/infra/tier-0s/ext_net/locale-services/default/l2vpn-services/default/sessions/streteched-pa-site/peer-config
Successful Response:
Response Headers:
Content-type: application/json
Response Body:
intent_path |
String Path of the intent object
Intent path of object, forward slashes must be escaped using %2F.
string |
Required Readonly |
results |
List of L2VPN Session Peer config per Enforcement Point
List of L2VPN Session peer config per Enforcement Point.
array of L2VPNSessionPeerConfigPerEP (Abstract type: pass one of the following concrete types) L2VPNSessionPeerConfigNsxT |
Readonly |
Example Response:
"l2vpn_session_path": "/infra/tier-0s/ext_net/locale-services/default/l2vpn-services/default/sessions/streteched-pa-site",
"peer_config_per_enforcement_point": [
"resource_type": "L2VPNSessionPeerCodes",
"enforcement_point_path": "/infra/sites/default/enforcement-points/nsxt",
"peer_codes": [
"peer_code": "MCw0YTc2YTNlLHsic2l0ZU5hbWUiOiJwb2xpY3ktc2Vzc2lvbi1QUk9WSURFUi5obWl6YS5wYS1wdW5lLXJiLXZwbiIs
"transport_tunnel_path": "/infra/tier-0s/ext_net/locale-services/default/ipsec-vpn-services/default/sessions/rbs-1"
Required Permissions:
Additional Errors: