{ "additionalProperties": false, "id": "TunnelAddress", "module_id": "PolicyConnectivity", "properties": { "edge_path": { "description": "policy path of edge node where tunnel will be realized with the subnet specified.", "required": true, "title": "Policy edge node path", "type": "string" }, "source_address": { "$ref": "IPv4Address, "description": "Specify IPv4 source addresses as the tunnel local end point addresses.", "required": true, "title": "IPv4 souurce address" }, "tunnel_interface_subnet": { "description": "IP addresses in CIDR format for both IP4 and IPv6 assigned to tunnel interface on a given edge node", "items": { "$ref": "InterfaceSubnet }, "maxItems": 2, "minItems": 1, "required": true, "title": "Interface Subnet object parameter", "type": "array" } }, "title": "Tunnel Address request parameters", "type": "object" }