Data Object - VsanClusterHealthGroup(vim.cluster.VsanClusterHealthGroup)

Property of
See also
VsanClusterHealthResultBase, VsanClusterHealthTest
vSphere API 5.5

Data Object Description

This class defines vSAN cluster health group result. The vSAN health check results with the same category will be grouped into a group result, which include the group name and ID, group health which is aggregated from each of health check item and the health check details


Name Type Description


The group health status aggregating from each of health check item. All of possible health status ordering in severity level are "red, yellow, info, unknown, green". The aggregated group health status will be the most severe status in each of sub health check item

The health check group ID. It's the identifier for a group of the vSAN health check result and will keep stable for future releases

The health check group name. It will be used as UI label to show the name of the grouped health check result

The health check results for each of check item in the group

True indicates health check of this group is still in progress. It could return True for some health check groups if you are trying to get health summary via API vim.cluster.VsanVcClusterHealthSystem#GetClusterHealthSummary. The health check result under this group will not be available until the flag is false.

Since vSAN API vSAN 7.0U1
Properties inherited from DynamicData
*Need not be set
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