Configure the PowerCLI Response to Untrusted Certificates

You can configure how PowerCLI responds when a server certificate is not valid.

Use the InvalidCertificateAction parameter of the Set-PowerCLIConfiguration cmdlet to configure how PowerCLI responds to invalid server certificates.


  1. Run Get-PowerCLIConfiguration and view the current setting of the InvalidCertificateAction parameter.
  2. To change the setting, run Set-PowerCLIConfiguration -InvalidCertificateAction and specify one of the following values.
    • Unset. This is the default value and corresponds to Fail.
    • Fail. PowerCLI does not establish a connection if a certificate is not valid.
    • Ignore. PowerCLI ingnores certificate validity and establishes a connection.
    • Warn. PowerCLI logs a warning message that a certificate is not valid, displays additional information about the certificate, and establishes the connection.
    • Prompt. If a server certificate is not valid, PowerCLI prompts you to choose an action before it continues. You can choose one of the following options.
      Option Action
      Deny (default) Cancel the server connection.
      Accept Once Establish the server connection and suppress further warnings for the current PowerShell session.
      Accept Permanently Save the server certificate in the PowerCLI Trusted Certificate Store for the current user and establish the server connection.
      Accept For All Users Save the server certificate both in the current user's Trusted Certificate Store and in the all users' Trusted Certificate Store and establish the server connection.
    Note: For Linux and macOS, only the Fail and Ignore options are supported.
    A warning message prompts you to confirm the operation. Press Y and then press Enter to confirm your choice.


You configured the invalid server certificate action setting. PowerCLI displays a table with the updated configuration settings.

Trusted certificates are saved in the PowerCLI Trusted Certificate Store.

What to do next

Use PowerCLI to connect to a server system.