Install and Configure Python on Windows

On Windows, you must install Python 3.7.1 or later with the required packages and configure PowerCLI to use the VMware.ImageBuilder module.


  1. Download Python 3.7.1 or later from and complete the installation on your machine.
  2. Save the file from
  3. Open a terminal and install pip package manager.
    <pythonVer-directory>\python.exe <get-pip-directory>\
    For example:
    <python3.10-directory>\python.exe <get-pip-directory>\
  4. In the terminal, install the required Python modules.
    <pythonVer-directory>\Scripts\pip<Version>.exe install six psutil lxml pyopenssl
    For example:
    <python3.10-directory>\Scripts\pip3.10.exe install six psutil lxml pyopenssl
  5. Open PowerShell and set the path to the Python executable.
    Set-PowerCLIConfiguration -PythonPath <pythonVer-directory>\python.exe -Scope User
    For example:
    Set-PowerCLIConfiguration -PythonPath <python3.10-directory>\python.exe -Scope User


You can now use the PowerCLI VMware.ImageBuider module.