{ "description": "Health check result for specific uplink.", "id": "HealthCheckResultPerUplink", "module_id": "HealthCheck", "properties": { "mtu_disallowed": { "description": "List of VLAN ID ranges which are allowed by VLAN settings but may be disallowed by MTU settings.", "items": { "$ref": "HealthCheckVlanRange }, "readonly": true, "required": false, "title": "MTU Disallowed", "type": "array" }, "uplink_name": { "description": "Name of the uplink.", "readonly": true, "title": "Uplink Name", "type": "string" }, "vlan_and_mtu_allowed": { "description": "List of VLAN ID ranges which are allowed by VLAN and MTU settings.", "items": { "$ref": "HealthCheckVlanRange }, "readonly": true, "required": false, "title": "VLAN and MTU Allowed", "type": "array" }, "vlan_disallowed": { "description": "List of VLAN ID ranges which may be disallowed by VLAN settings.", "items": { "$ref": "HealthCheckVlanRange }, "readonly": true, "required": false, "title": "VLAN Disallowed", "type": "array" } }, "title": "Health Check Result Per Uplink", "type": "object" }