HostSwitchProfileListParameters (schema)

HostSwitchProfile List Parameters

Name Description Type Notes
cursor Opaque cursor to be used for getting next page of records (supplied by current result page) string
deployment_type Deployment type of EdgeNode or PublicCloudGatewayNode

If the node_type is specified, then deployment_type may be specified to filter uplink profiles applicable to only PHYSICAL_MACHINE or VIRTUAL_MACHINE deployments of these nodes.
hostswitch_profile_type Type of host switch profile HostSwitchProfileType
include_system_owned Whether the list result contains system resources boolean Default: "False"
included_fields Comma separated list of fields that should be included in query result string
node_type Fabric node type for which uplink profiles are to be listed

The fabric node type is the resource_type of the Node such as EdgeNode and PublicCloudGatewayNode. If a fabric node type is given, uplink profiles that apply for nodes of the given type will be returned.
string Enum: EdgeNode, PublicCloudGatewayNode
page_size Maximum number of results to return in this page (server may return fewer) integer Minimum: 0
Maximum: 1000
Default: "1000"
sort_ascending boolean
sort_by Field by which records are sorted string
uplink_teaming_policy_name The host switch profile's uplink teaming policy name

If populated, only UplinkHostSwitchProfiles with the specified uplink teaming policy name are returned. Otherwise, any HostSwitchProfile can be returned.