IntelligenceClusterNodeVMDeploymentRequest (schema)

Info for NSX-Intelligence node deployment request

Contains the deployment information for a NSX-Intelligence node VM.
Name Description Type Notes
deployment_config Deployment config for NSX-Intelligence cluster node VM

Info needed to configure a NSX-Intelligence cluster node VM at deployment for a
specific platform.
(Abstract type: pass one of the following concrete types)
form_factor Form factor for NSX-Intelligence VMs

Specifies the desired "size" of the VM
IntelligenceClusterNodeVMFormFactor Default: "SMALL"
user_settings User settings for the VM

Username and password settings for the NSX-Intelligence node VM.
Passwords must be at least 12 characters in length and contain at
least one lowercase, one uppercase, one numerical, and one special
Note: These settings will be honored only during VM deployment.
Post-deployment, CLI must be used for changing the user settings and
changes to these parameters will not have any effect.
NodeUserSettings Required
vm_id ID of VM used to recognize it

ID of the VM maintained internally.
Note: This is automatically generated and cannot be modified.
string Readonly