NodeStatusProperties (schema)

Node status properties

Name Description Type Notes
_links References related to this resource

The server will populate this field when returing the resource. Ignored on PUT and POST.
array of ResourceLink Readonly
_schema Schema for this resource string Readonly
_self Link to this resource SelfResourceLink Readonly
cpu_cores Number of CPU cores on the system integer Readonly
cpu_usage CPU usage of DPDK and non-DPDK core groups

Highest and average usage of DPDK and non-DPDK core of Edge Node.
CpuUsage Readonly
dpdk_cpu_cores Number of DPDK CPU cores on the system

Number of DPDK cores on Edge Node which are used for packet IO processing.
integer Readonly
file_systems File systems configured on the system array of NodeFileSystemProperties Readonly
load_average One, five, and fifteen minute load averages for the system array of number Readonly
mem_cache Amount of RAM on the system that can be flushed out to disk, in kilobytes integer Readonly
mem_total Amount of RAM allocated to the system, in kilobytes integer Readonly
mem_used Amount of RAM in use on the system, in kilobytes integer Readonly
non_dpdk_cpu_cores Number of non-DPDK CPU cores on the system

Number of non-DPDK cores on Edge Node.
integer Readonly
source Source of status data. DataSourceType Readonly
swap_total Amount of disk available for swap, in kilobytes integer Readonly
swap_used Amount of swap disk in use, in kilobytes integer Readonly
system_time Current time expressed in milliseconds since epoch EpochMsTimestamp Readonly
uptime Milliseconds since system start integer Readonly