TransportNodeListParameters (schema)

Transport Node list parameters

Name Description Type Notes
cursor Opaque cursor to be used for getting next page of records (supplied by current result page) string
in_maintenance_mode maintenance mode flag

If the flag is true, transport node with 'ENABLED' or 'FORCE_ENABLED' desired state will be returned, otherwise transport nodes in 'DISABLED' will be returned.
included_fields Comma separated list of fields that should be included in query result string
node_id node identifier

This property can be used by itself or along with 'transport_zone_id'.
node_ip Fabric node IP address

This property can only be used alone. It can not be combined with other filtering properties.
node_types a list of fabric node types separated by comma or a single type

The fabric node type is the resource_type of the Node such as HostNode, EdgeNode and PublicCloudGatewayNode. If a list of fabric node types are given, all transport nodes of all given types will be returned.
page_size Maximum number of results to return in this page (server may return fewer) integer Minimum: 0
Maximum: 1000
Default: "1000"
sort_ascending boolean
sort_by Field by which records are sorted string
transport_zone_id Transport zone identifier

This propery can be used along with 'node_id'.