lastProvisioningError | xsd:string |
String message detailing the last provisioning error on this desktop
while stopProvisioningOnError
is enabled. This will be cleared when
enableProvisioning is updated
to true.
- This property need not be set.
- This property cannot be updated.
lastProvisioningErrorTime | xsd:dateTime |
Time the last provisioning error occurred on this desktop while
stopProvisioningOnError is
enabled. This will be cleared when
enableProvisioning is updated
to true.
- This property need not be set.
- This property cannot be updated.
instantCloneProvisioningStatusData | DesktopInstantCloneDesktopProvisioningStatusData |
ProvisioningStatusData applicable only to instant clone desktops.
Since Horizon 7.0
- This property need not be set.
- This property cannot be updated.