machines | MachineId[] |
Machines this user or group is assigned to. MachineIds of this type
originate from the Machine service.
- This property need not be set.
- This property is an unordered array of unique values.
persistentDisks | PersistentDiskId[] | Deprecated.
This property is being deprecated since View Composer will no
longer be supported from Horizon version 2012 onwards.
View Composer persistent disks this user is assigned to.
- This property need not be set.
- This property is an unordered array of unique values.
desktops | DesktopId[] |
Local desktops for which this user has an entitlement.
- This property need not be set.
- This property is an unordered array of unique values.
desktopUserEntitlements | UserEntitlementId[] |
Local desktop user entitlements for this user or group. The array index
will correspond to the same desktop entitlement as the DesktopId array.
- This property need not be set.
applications | ApplicationId[] |
Local applications for which this user has an entitlement.
- This property need not be set.
- This property is an unordered array of unique values.
applicationUserEntitlements | UserEntitlementId[] |
Local application user entitlements for this user or group. The array
index will correspond to the same application entitlement as the
ApplicationId array.
- This property need not be set.
urlRedirectionSettings | URLRedirectionId[] |
Local URL Redirection settings associated with user or group.
Since Horizon 7.0
- This property need not be set.
- This property is an unordered array of unique values.
urlRedirectionUserEntitlements | UserEntitlementId[] |
URLRedirection user entitlements for this user or group. The array
index will correspond to the same urlRedirection entitlement as the
URLRedirectionId array.
Since Horizon 7.0
- This property need not be set.
- This property is an unordered array of unique values.