clusterInUnicastMode | xsd:boolean |
Cluster is using unicast or not.
Only all host in the cluster are in unicast mode, will the cluster be identified as using unicast.
Since vSAN API 6.6
hostLatencyCheckSuccess | xsd:boolean |
True if the network latency check via ping small package size is succeed
from all of hosts to all other hosts. The network latency test will fail
when the ping test between any of two hosts max latency over 200 ms.
Since vSAN API 6.6
hostResults | VsanNetworkHealthResult[] |
Per host network health test result in the vSAN cluster
hostsCommFailure | xsd:string[] |
The host name list on which the vSAN service cannot cannot communicate
with the vSAN service in vCenter.
hostsDisconnected | xsd:string[] |
The host name list which are disconnected from vCenter.
hostsInEsxMaintenanceMode | xsd:string[] |
The host name list which are in the maintenance mode.
hostsInVsanMaintenanceMode | xsd:string[] |
The host name list which are in the vSAN maintenance mode.
hostsWithVsanDisabled | xsd:string[] |
The host name list which are disabled vSAN.
infoAboutUnexpectedHosts | VsanQueryResultHostInfo[] |
Any additional information about hosts in otherHostsInVsanCluster field will
be captured here. If there is no additional info available, then the host will
not be listed here.
issueFound | xsd:boolean |
Whether any vSAN cluster network health issue was found
largePingTestSuccess | xsd:boolean |
True if the network ping test with large package size (9000 bytes) is
succeed from all of hosts to all other hosts. The ping test will fail
when the ping test between any of two hosts has lost packet
matchingIpSubnets | xsd:boolean | Deprecated.
As of vSphere API 6.7.0 Update 1 release.
True if all of hosts in the vSAN cluster are in the same
network subnets
matchingMulticastConfig | xsd:boolean |
True if all of hosts in the vSAN cluster have matched multicast
otherHostsInVsanCluster | xsd:string[] |
The hosts UUID list which are in the vSAN cluster but cannot find
in the vCenter cluster.
partitions | VsanClusterNetworkPartitionInfo[] |
The vSAN cluster partition information.
pingTestSuccess | xsd:boolean |
True if the network ping test with small package size is succeed from
all of hosts to all other hosts. The ping test will fail when the ping
test between any of two hosts has lost packet
potentialMulticastIssue | xsd:boolean |
True if the vSAN cluster has potential multicast issue if any one
of the checks fails including if there is vSAN partition, any ping
test fails, if the vSAN multicast configuration matches among all
of hosts and if there is at lease one vSAN vmknic present for all
of hosts.
vsanVmknicPresent | xsd:boolean |
True if at least one vSAN vmknic is found on the hosts
Properties inherited from DynamicData |
None |