componentLimitHealth | xsd:string |
The component usage health status. The status will be red if the used of component
number exceeds 90% of total component number limit, the status will be yellow if it
exceeds 80% of total component number and it will be green if it's less than 80% of
total component number
diskFreeSpaceHealth | xsd:string |
The disk usage health status. The status will be red if the used disk space is larger
than 90% of total space, the status will be yellow if it's larger than 70% of total
space and it will be green if it's less than 70% of total space
numFailures | xsd:long |
The number of simulated host failures
rcFreeReservationHealth | xsd:string |
The read cache reservation health status. The status will be red if the reserved read
cache space is larger than 90% of total space, the status will be yellow if it's larger
than 70% of total space and it will be green if it's less than 70% of total space
totalCapacityB | xsd:long |
The total vSAN capacity in byte. It's the total of physical space which can be
used for writing data including any of user data, metadata and the overhead data
totalComponents | xsd:long |
The maximum number of components
totalRcReservationB | xsd:long |
The total read cache reservation in bytes
totalRcSizeB | xsd:long |
The total read cache size in byes
totalUsedCapacityB | xsd:long |
The total physically used capacity in bytes aggregating from all of disks
of all of available hosts. The physically used capacity for vSAN disk is
defined as the maximum value between reserved capacity and data size
physically written into the disk
usedComponents | xsd:long |
The number of used components
Properties inherited from DynamicData |
None |