enabled | xsd:boolean |
Enable state for the vSAN file service on this host.
fileServerHealth | VsanFileServerHealthSummary[] |
The health status of file servers. This health status includes liveness of
file server IP addresses, accessibility of the root file system from file
servers, etc.
fileShareHealth | VsanFileServiceShareHealthSummary[] |
The health status of file shares in this cluster.
fsvmStatus | VsanResourceHealth |
The health status of File Service VM.
hostname | xsd:string |
Hostname/IP of host which runs the file service health check.
overallHealth | xsd:string |
Overall health state for vSAN file service configuration and runtime
status for this host.
rootFsStatus | VsanFileServiceRootFsHealth |
The health status of Root File System.
vdfsdStatus | VsanResourceHealth |
The health status of VDFS daemon for vSAN file service data service.
Properties inherited from DynamicData |
None |