componentLimitHealth | xsd:string |
The host component usage health status. The status will be red if the used
components exceeds 90% of total component number, the status will be yellow
if it exceeds 75% of total components and it will be green if it's less than
75% of total component.
dedupMetadataSizeB | xsd:long |
The dedupMetadataSize used in byte.
Since vSAN API 7.0
dgTransientCapacityUsedB | xsd:long |
The disk group transient used in byte.
Since vSAN API 7.0
diskFreeSpaceHealth | xsd:string |
The disk free space health status. The status will be red if the used disk space is
larger than 90% of total space, the status will be yellow if it's larger than 70% of
total space and it will be green if it's less than 70% of total space.
diskTransientCapacityUsedB | xsd:long |
The disk transient used in byte.
Since vSAN API 7.0
freeComponents | xsd:int |
The number of remaining vSAN components can be created in the host.
It equals to the maximum supported components minus the used components.
hostname | xsd:string |
The host name
issueFound | xsd:boolean |
Whether any issue found in the vSAN limit health check.
logicalSpaceUsedB | xsd:long |
The logical capacity used in byte.
Since vSAN API 7.0
lowestFreeDiskSpacePct | xsd:int |
The lowest free disk space percentage among all of disks in the host.
This value will be 100 if there is no disk found in the host.
maxComponents | xsd:int |
The maximum number of supported vSAN components in the host.
rcFreeReservationHealth | xsd:string |
The read cache reservation health status. The status will be red if the
reserved read cache space is larger than 90% of total space, the status will
be yellow if it's larger than 80% of total space and it will be green if
it's less than 80% of total space.
reservedRcSizeB | xsd:long |
The reserved read cache size in byte.
totalDiskSpaceB | xsd:long |
The total vSAN capacity in byte. It's the total of physical space which can
be used for writing data including any of user data, metadata and the
overhead data.
totalLogicalSpaceB | xsd:long |
The total logical capacity in byte.
Since vSAN API 7.0
totalRcSizeB | xsd:long |
The total read cache size in byte.
usedDiskSpaceB | xsd:long |
The total used disk space in byte, which is the larger value between reserved
capacity and the data physically written into the disk.
Properties inherited from DynamicData |
None |