capacity | xsd:long |
The total disk capacity for written data
capacityHealth | xsd:string |
The disk capacity health status
compLimitHealth | xsd:string |
The component usage health status. The status will be red if the used of component
number exceeds 95% of total component number limit, the status will be yellow if it
exceeds 75% of total component number and it will be green if it's less than 75% of
total component number
congestionArea | xsd:string |
The IO congestion area including log, SSD, slab and memory. If there
is no congestion happen for all of these areas, this value will be
congestionHealth | xsd:string |
The congestion health status. The status will be red if the congestion
value is larger than 220 and it's yellow if the congestion value is between
200 and 220 and it's green if the congestion value is less than 200.
congestionValue | xsd:int |
The maximum congestion value among the area of log, SSD, slab,
and memory. The IO congestion may happen in this four areas in
vSAN, it will choose the maximum value among them.
dedupedBytes | xsd:long |
Ignore this value
dedupScope | xsd:long |
The dedup scope configuration. The value 0 indicate there is no dedup
enabled, 1 indicates the dedup scope is in disk wide and 2 indicates
the dedup scope is in disk group wide.
dedupUsageHealth | xsd:string |
The dedup usage health status. The status will be red if the dedup is enabled
on a hybrid diskgroup, the status will be yellow if dedup is not enabled on an
all flash diskgroup and it's green in any other situation
dekGenerationId | xsd:long |
Data Encryption Key generation number in disk metadata.
Since vSAN API 6.6
encryptedUnlocked | xsd:boolean |
Whether encryption keys for this disk are loaded.
If encryption is on and the encryption keys are not loaded for
the disk, the disk cannot be used for vSAN I/O on this host.
Since vSAN API 6.6
encryptionEnabled | xsd:boolean |
Encryption state in disk metadata.
Since vSAN API 6.6
formatVersion | xsd:int |
The disk format version in vSAN.
freeBytes | xsd:long |
Ignore this value
hashedBytes | xsd:long |
Ignore this value
inCmmds | xsd:boolean |
True indicate this disk can be found in the CMMDS.
inVsi | xsd:boolean |
True indicates this disk can be found through VSI.
isAllFlash | xsd:int |
Flag to indicate if it's all flash configuration. The value is 1 if
the disk group are all flash disk.
kekId | xsd:string |
Key Encryption Key ID in disk metadata.
Since vSAN API 6.6
kmsProviderId | xsd:string |
The Id of the KMS cluster to use for vSAN Encryption. Keys will be created on
and used from this KMS.
Since vSAN API 6.6
maxComponents | xsd:long |
The maximum component limit on the disk
metadataHealth | xsd:string |
The vSAN metadata health status. All of possible values are "green",
"yellow" and "red"
name | xsd:string |
The physical disk name with the format like "mpx.vmhba1:C0:T2:L0".
operationalHealth | xsd:string |
The disk operational health status. All of possible value are "green",
"yellow" and "red"
operationalHealthDescription | xsd:string |
The disk operational health description. It gives the reason why the disk
is not in operational. All of possible values are "OK", "UNKNOWN", "FAILED",
"OK": Healthy
"UNKNOWN": Disk health is unknown
"FAILED": Permanent disk failure
"OFFLINE": Permanent disk loss
"DECOMMISSIONED": Disk dicommissioned
"EVACUATING": Disk performance degraded, and components are evacuating
"EVACUATE_FAILED": Disk performance degraded, and component evacuation failed
"EVACUATE_INACCESSIBLE": Disk performance degraded, and component evacuation
get stuck
"EVACUATED": Disk performance degraded, and dying disk is ok to unmount
"READONLY": Disk is in readonly mode, which should only be set for testing purpose
rebalanceResult | VsanDiskRebalanceResult |
The vSAN disk rebalance status
Since vSAN API 6.6
reservedCapacity | xsd:long |
The total reserved capacity in the disk
scsiDisk | HostScsiDisk |
The SCSI disk information
summaryHealth | xsd:string |
The overall disk health status. It's the aggregation for the disk operational
health, the disk congestion health, disk metadata health, disk capacity
health, disk component limit health and disk dedup usage health. All of
possible value are "green", "yellow", and "red".
totalBytes | xsd:long |
Ignore this value
usedCapacity | xsd:long |
The total used disk capacity in byte, which is the larger value between
reserved capacity and the data physically written into the disk.
usedComponents | xsd:long |
The number of used components on the disk
uuid | xsd:string |
The disk device UUID.
Properties inherited from DynamicData |
None |