entities | xsd:string[] |
The list of entity vSAN UUIDs against which the resource check is performed.
For host enter maintenance operation, only one host vSAN UUID is supported
at a time.
maintenanceSpec | HostMaintenanceSpec |
The host maintenance spec specifying the data evacuation mode.
operation | xsd:string |
The operation for which the resource check is performed:
- "EnterMaintenanceMode": The resource check for host enter maintenance
mode operation.
- "DiskDataEvacuation": The resource check for vSAN disk or disk-group
operation which requires vSAN disk data evacuation (e.g., unmount
a vSAN disk-group, remove a vSAN disk/disk-group, rebuild a vSAN
disk-group, etc.).
parent | ManagedObjectReference
to a
Task |
Specify the task if this resource check is called from a running
Properties inherited from DynamicData |
None |