dataEfficiencyInfo | VsanDataEfficiencyConfig |
Data efficiency configuration.
datastoreInfo | VsanDatastoreConfig |
Datastore configuration.
Since vSAN API 6.6.2
encryptionInfo | VsanHostEncryptionInfo |
Encryption configuration.
extendedConfig | VsanExtendedConfig |
vSAN Extended configurations.
Since vSAN API 6.7
internalExtendedConfig | VsanInternalExtendedConfig |
vSAN host-level extended configurations.
Since vSAN API vSAN 6.7U3
metricsConfig | VsanMetricsConfig |
vSAN metric configurations for all monitor clients.
Since vSAN API 7.0
resyncIopsLimitInfo | ResyncIopsInfo |
Resync IOPS limit configuration in Mbps. The value should be between
0 and 512.
unmapConfig | VsanUnmapConfig |
SCSI unmap command configuration on vSAN.
Since vSAN API vSAN 6.7U1
witnessHostConfig | VsanWitnessHostConfig[] |
Witness host configuration, available only when host works
as witness node in vSAN stretched cluster, otherwise this field
will be omitted.
Since vSAN API 6.8.7
Properties inherited from VsanHostConfigInfo |
clusterInfo, enabled, faultDomainInfo, hostSystem, networkInfo, storageInfo |
Properties inherited from DynamicData |
None |