activelySyncingObjectRecoveryETA | xsd:long |
It calculates the estimated time in seconds to recover objects
actively syncing.
activeObjectsToSync | xsd:long |
The number of objects that are actively syncing.
bytesToSyncForActiveObjects | xsd:long |
The amount of data in bytes to be synced for the objects which are
actively syncing.
bytesToSyncForQueuedObjects | xsd:long |
The amount of data in bytes to be synced for the objects which are
in queue and for which the sync has not been started yet.
bytesToSyncForSuspendedObjects | xsd:long |
The amount of data in bytes to be synced for the objects which are
in suspended state.
queuedForSyncObjectRecoveryETA | xsd:long |
The estimated time in seconds to recover objects which are in queue and sync/recovery
has not been started for the objects. This includes time in wait queue and required
to finish the sync.
queuedObjectsToSync | xsd:long |
The number of objects which are in queue and
for which the sync has not been started yet.
suspendedObjectRecoveryETA | xsd:long |
The estimated time in seconds to recover objects which are in suspended
state. Suspended object ETA is predicted based on the current syncing
bandwidth and it can vary.
suspendedObjectsToSync | xsd:long |
The number of objects which are in suspended state.
Properties inherited from DynamicData |
None |