Enum - HostCertificateManagerCertificateInfoCertificateStatus(vim.host.CertificateManager.CertificateInfo.CertificateStatus)

vSphere API 6.0

Enum Description

The status of a given certificate as computed per the soft and the hard thresholds in vCenter Server.

There are two different thresholds for the host certificate expirations; a soft threshold (which constitutes of two phases) and a hard threshold.

Soft Threshold:
Phase One: vCenter Server will publish an event at this time to let the user know about the status, but, no alarms or warnings are raised.
Phase Two: During this phase, vCenter Server will publish an event and indicate the certificate status as expiring in the UI.

Hard Threshold:
vCenter Server will publish an alarm and indicate via the UI that the certificate expiration is imminent.

Enum Constants

expirationImminent The certificate expiration is imminent. (hard threshold)
expired The certificate has expired.
expiring The certificate is expiring shortly. (soft threshold - 1)
expiringShortly The certificate is expiring shortly. (soft threshold - 2)
good The certificate is good.
unknown The certificate status is unknown.

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Revision 15-Mar-2018  | VMware vSAN Management API  |  Version 6.7