Managed Object - GuestOperationsManager(vim.vm.guest.GuestOperationsManager)

Property of
See also
GuestAliasManager, GuestAuthManager, GuestFileManager, GuestProcessManager, GuestWindowsRegistryManager
vSphere API 5.0

Managed Object Description

GuestOperationsManager is the managed object that provides APIs to manipulate the guest operating system files and process. Each class of APIs is separated into its own manager.


Name Type Description
aliasManager* PManagedObjectReference
to a GuestAliasManager

A managed object that provides methods to support single sign-on in the guest operating system.

Since vSphere API 6.0
authManager* PManagedObjectReference
to a GuestAuthManager

A singleton managed object that provides methods for guest authentication operations.
fileManager* PManagedObjectReference
to a GuestFileManager

A singleton managed object that provides methods for guest file operations.
guestWindowsRegistryManager* PManagedObjectReference
to a GuestWindowsRegistryManager

A singleton managed object that provides methods for guest windows registry operations.

Since vSphere API 6.0
processManager* PManagedObjectReference
to a GuestProcessManager

A singleton managed object that provides methods for guest process operations.
*May not be presentP Required privilege: System.Anonymous


Methods defined in this Managed Object

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Revision 15-Mar-2018  | VMware vSAN Management API  |  Version 6.7