Data Object - CnsBlockBackingDetails(vim.cns.BlockBackingDetails)


Data Object Description

Details for a block type backing for container volume.
This class will be used as input at the time of volume creation and will also be returned as part of query result to give more information about a container volume.
Note: In future, for block volumes the disk format, like thin, lazy-zeroed- thick, eager-zeroed-thick, will be made a part of storage policy. Until then, for block volumes, only the thin type of provisioning will be supported.


Name Type Description

At the time of creation this field would identify the existing disk that should be used to back the container volume.
This field is optional and when this and backingDiskPath are not specified, a new disk will be created to back the volume.
When this filed is present, capacityInMb and storage policy fields will be ignored.

This is the id generated by underlying object storage, such as vsan/vvol.
This field is set only in result of query.

Since vSAN API vSAN 7.0U2

This is file path of the volume. It's different from backingDiskUrlPath. backingDiskUrlPath is accessible from a web browser, while backingDiskPath is accessible by the file system.
This field is set only in result of query.

Since vSAN API vSAN 7.0U2

At the time of creation this field would identify the URL path to an existing disk that should be used to back the container volume. This field should be set in create request when the client wants to register an existing disk as a CNS block volume. If this disk is already registered as CNS block volume, then the server will throw CnsAlreadyRegisteredFault CNS fault with the CNS volume ID set.
This field is optional and when this and backingDiskId are not specified, a new disk will be created to back the volume.
When this field is present, capacityInMb and storage policy fields will be ignored.
Note that this field will not be set in the query API result. But in future release of CNS, it may be set.
This field must be in the following format: Format: https:///folder/?dcPath=& dsName=
Ex: vm2_1.vmdk?dcPath=/Folder-1/Datacenter-1&dsName=vsanDatastore
This is for a 34a9c05d-5f03-e254-e692-02004479cb91/vm2_1.vmdk file under datacenter "Datacenter-1" with path "/Folder-1/Datacenter-1" and datastore "vsanDatastore".

Since vSAN API 7.2
Properties inherited from CnsBackingObjectDetails
Properties inherited from DynamicData
*Need not be set
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