downloadSize | xsd:long |
The total amount of data that must be transferred to download the entity.
This may be inaccurate due to disk compression etc.
error | LocalizedMethodFault[] |
Errors that happened during validation. The presence of faults in this list
indicates that the validation failed.
flatDeploymentSize | xsd:long |
The total amount of space required to deploy the entity if using flat disks.
sparseDeploymentSize | xsd:long |
The total amount of space required to deploy the entity using sparse disks,
if known.
supportedDiskProvisioning | xsd:string[] |
An array of the disk provisioning type supported by the target host system.
Since vSphere API 4.1
warning | LocalizedMethodFault[] |
Non-fatal warnings from the validation.
Properties inherited from DynamicData |
None |