Fault - OvfFault(vim.fault.OvfFault)
- Extended by
OvfConsumerCallbackFault, OvfExport, OvfImport, OvfInvalidPackage, OvfSystemFault, OvfUnsupportedPackage
- Extends
- Since
- vSphere API 4.0
A common base type fault for all Ovf related faults.
The structure of OvfFault is as listed.
- OvfFault
- OvfInvalidPackage
- OvfXmlFormat
- OvfWrongNamespace
- OvfElement
- OvfElementInvalidValue
- OvfUnexpectedElement
- OvfDuplicateElement
- OvfMissingElement
- OvfMissingElementNormalBoundary
- OvfDuplicatedElementBoundary
- OvfAttribute
- OvfMissingAttribute
- OvfInvalidValue
- OvfInvalidValueFormatMalformed
- OvfInvalidValueConfiguration
- OvfInvalidValueReference
- OvfInvalidValueEmpty
- OvfProperty
- OvfPropertyType
- OvfPropertyValue
- OvfPropertyNetwork
- OvfPropertyQualifier
- OvfPropertyQualifierWarning
- OvfConstraint
- OvfDiskOrderConstraint
- OvfHostResourceConstraint
- OvfUnsupportedPackage
- OvfNoHostNic
- OvfInvalidVmName
- OvfUnsupportedAttribute
- OvfUnsupportedAttributeValue
- OvfUnsupportedElement
- OvfUnsupportedElementValue
- OvfUnsupportedSection
- OvfNoSpaceOnController
- OvfUnsupportedType
- OvfUnsupportedSubType
- OvfHardwareCheck
- OvfNoSupportedHardwareFamily
- OvfExport
- OvfExportFailed
- OvfHardwareExport
- OvfUnsupportedDeviceExport
- OvfUnknownDeviceBacking
- OvfConnectedDevice
- OvfUnableToExportDisk
- OvfPropertyExport
- OvfPropertyNetworkExport
- OvfDuplicatedPropertyIdExport
- OvfImport (these are typically returned as warnings
- OvfImportFailed
- OvfHardwareCheck
- OvfMissingHardware
- OvfCpuCompatibility
- OvfCpuCompatibilityCheckNotSupported
- OvfUnsupportedDiskProvisioning
- OvfDuplicatedPropertyIdImport
- OvfNetworkMappingNotSupported
- OvfSystemFault
- OvfDiskMappingNotFound
- OvfHostValueNotParsed
- OvfInternalError
- OvfUnsupportedDeviceBackingOption
- OvfUnsupportedDeviceBackingInfo
- OvfToXmlUnsupportedElement
- OvfUnknownDevice
- OvfUnknownEntity
- OvfConsumerCallbackFault
- OvfConsumerFault
- OvfConsumerCommunicationError
- OvfConsumerInvalidSection
- OvfConsumerUndeclaredSection
- OvfConsumerUndefinedPrefix
All messages go into the vimlocale
Show WSDL type definition