offset | xsd:long |
Offset of nvdimm within interleave set.
This represents offset with respect to base address
in InterleaveSetInfo#baseAddress.
If RegionInfo#setId is 0, this field is not valid.
rangeType | xsd:string |
Type of region.
Must be one of the values of
regionId | xsd:int |
NVDIMM region ID
setId | xsd:int |
Interleave set ID.
Interleave set to which this region belongs. A value
of 0 indicates that this region is not a part of any
interleave set.
size | xsd:long |
Size of region in bytes.
If this region is part of interleave set (represented by non zero
RegionInfo#setId) and the region is interleaved across
multiple dimms (represented by more that one element in
InterleaveSetInfo#deviceList for assosiated set id
RegionInfo#setId), this size represents part of the
interleave set size - (total interleave set size / number
of dimms in InterleaveSetInfo#deviceList).
Example: If Interleave set with set id 5, has a size of 2TB
and has 2 NVDIMMs contributing to it (size of
InterleaveSetInfo#deviceList is 2), then this size
parameter is 2TB/2 = 1TB.
If RegionInfo#setId is 0, this field is not valid.
startAddr | xsd:long |
Region start address.
This represents the address within the NVDIMM to which this
NVDIMM region belongs (Dimm physical address).
If RegionInfo#setId is 0, this field is not valid.
Properties inherited from DynamicData |
None |