cpuDemandMhz | xsd:int |
Sum of CPU demand of all the powered-on VMs in the cluster.
cpuEntitledMhz | xsd:int |
This is the current CPU entitlement across the cluster
cpuReservationMhz | xsd:int |
Sum of CPU reservation of all the Resource Pools and powered-on VMs in the cluster.
memDemandMB | xsd:int |
Sum of memory demand of all the powered-on VMs in the cluster.
memEntitledMB | xsd:int |
This is the current memory entitlement across the cluster
memReservationMB | xsd:int |
Sum of memory reservation of all the Resource Pools and powered-on VMs in the cluster.
poweredOffCpuReservationMhz | xsd:int |
Sum of CPU reservation of all the powered-off VMs in the cluster.
poweredOffMemReservationMB | xsd:int |
Sum of memory reservation of all the powered-off VMs in the cluster.
poweredOffVmCount | xsd:int |
The number of powered off VMs in the cluster
statsGenNumber | xsd:long |
Generation number of the usage stats. Updated during every DRS load
balancing call.
totalCpuCapacityMhz | xsd:int |
Total CPU capacity of the cluster.
totalMemCapacityMB | xsd:int |
Total memory capacity of the cluster.
totalVmCount | xsd:int |
The number of VMs in the cluster
Properties inherited from DynamicData |
None |