Policy > Security > East West Security > Distributed Firewall > Settings > Drafts

Get paginated aggregated configuration for the draft

Get a paginated aggregated configuration of a given draft. This aggregated
configuration is the differnece between the current published firewall
configuration and a firewall configuration stored in a given draft.
For an initial API call, if request_id is present in a response, then this is
a paginated aggregated configuration of a given draft, containing all the
security policies from the aggregated configuration.
Using this request_id, more granular aggregated configuration, at security
policy level, can be fetched from subsequent API calls.
Absence of request_id suggests that whole aggregated configuration has been
returned as a response to initial API call, as the size of aggregated
configuration is not big enough to need pagination.


URI Path(s):
Request Headers:
Query Parameters:
Request Body:

Example Request:

1.Initial call to get paginated aggregated configuration. GET https://<policy-mgr>/policy/api/v1/infra/drafts/test_draft/aggregated_with_pagination 2.Call to get the detailed aggregated configuration for a security policy GET https://<policy-mgr>/policy/api/v1/infra/drafts/test_draft/aggregated_with_pagination?request_id=3cd6bdc3-3f9c-4521-888d-4b23c3200206&root_path=/infra/domains/default/security-policies/app-section-1

Successful Response:

Response Code:
200 OK
Response Headers:
Content-type: application/json
Response Body:

Example Response:

1. Response to initial call to get paginated aggregated configuration. { "request_id": "3cd6bdc3-3f9c-4521-888d-4b23c3200206", "result": { "resource_type": "Infra", "id": "infra", "display_name": "infra", "path": "/infra", "children": [ { "children": [ { "SecurityPolicy": { "logging_enabled": false, "resource_type": "SecurityPolicy", "id": "app-section-1", "display_name": "app-section-1", "path": "/infra/domains/default/security-policies/app-section-1", "marked_for_delete": true, "overridden": false, "sequence_number": 0, "category": "Application", "stateful": true, "tcp_strict": true, "locked": false, "scope": [ "ANY" ], "rule_count": 200, "is_default": false, "_system_owned": false, "_protection": "NOT_PROTECTED", "_revision": 0 }, "resource_type": "ChildSecurityPolicy", "marked_for_delete": true, "mark_for_override": false, "_protection": "NOT_PROTECTED" }, { "SecurityPolicy": { "logging_enabled": false, "resource_type": "SecurityPolicy", "id": "app-section-2", "display_name": "app-section-2", "path": "/infra/domains/default/security-policies/app-section-2", "marked_for_delete": true, "overridden": false, "sequence_number": 0, "category": "Application", "stateful": true, "tcp_strict": true, "locked": false, "scope": [ "ANY" ], "rule_count": 200, "is_default": false, "_system_owned": false, "_protection": "NOT_PROTECTED", "_revision": 0 }, "resource_type": "ChildSecurityPolicy", "marked_for_delete": true, "mark_for_override": false, "_protection": "NOT_PROTECTED" } ], "target_type": "Domain", "resource_type": "ChildResourceReference", "id": "default", "marked_for_delete": false, "mark_for_override": false, "_protection": "NOT_PROTECTED" } ], "marked_for_delete": false, "overridden": false, "_system_owned": false, "_protection": "NOT_PROTECTED", "_revision": 0 } } 2. Response to a call to get the detailed aggregated configuration for a security policy { "request_id": "3cd6bdc3-3f9c-4521-888d-4b23c3200206", "result": { "resource_type": "Infra", "id": "infra", "display_name": "infra", "path": "/infra", "children": [ { "children": [ { "SecurityPolicy": { "logging_enabled": false, "resource_type": "SecurityPolicy", "id": "app-section-1", "display_name": "app-section-1", "path": "/infra/domains/default/security-policies/app-section-1", "children": [ { "Rule": { "action": "ALLOW", "resource_type": "Rule", "id": "rule_1", "display_name": "rule_1", "path": "/infra/domains/default/security-policies/app-section-1/rules/rule_1", "marked_for_delete": true, "overridden": false, "sequence_number": 1, "sources_excluded": false, "destinations_excluded": false, "source_groups": [ "/infra/domains/default/groups/d1" ], "destination_groups": [ "/infra/domains/default/groups/d2" ], "services": [ "ANY" ], "profiles": [ "ANY" ], "logged": true, "scope": [ "ANY" ], "disabled": false, "notes": "", "direction": "IN_OUT", "ip_protocol": "IPV4_IPV6", "is_default": false, "_system_owned": false, "_protection": "NOT_PROTECTED", "_revision": 0 }, "resource_type": "ChildRule", "marked_for_delete": true, "mark_for_override": false, "_protection": "NOT_PROTECTED" } ], "marked_for_delete": true, "overridden": false, "sequence_number": 0, "category": "Application", "stateful": true, "tcp_strict": true, "locked": false, "scope": [ "ANY" ], "rule_count": 200, "is_default": false, "_system_owned": false, "_protection": "NOT_PROTECTED", "_revision": 0 }, "resource_type": "ChildSecurityPolicy", "marked_for_delete": true, "mark_for_override": false, "_protection": "NOT_PROTECTED" } ], "target_type": "Domain", "resource_type": "ChildResourceReference", "id": "default", "marked_for_delete": false, "mark_for_override": false, "_protection": "NOT_PROTECTED" } ], "marked_for_delete": false, "overridden": false, "_system_owned": false, "_protection": "NOT_PROTECTED", "_revision": 0 } }

Required Permissions:




Additional Errors: