{ "additionalProperties": false, "description": "Advanced load balancer HTTPSwitchingAction object", "id": "ALBHTTPSwitchingAction", "module_id": "PolicyAdvancedLoadBalancer", "properties": { "action": { "$ref": "ALBHTTPSwitchingActionType, "description": "Content switching action type. Enum options - HTTP_SWITCHING_SELECT_POOL, HTTP_SWITCHING_SELECT_LOCAL, HTTP_SWITCHING_SELECT_POOLGROUP. Allowed in Essentials(Allowed values- HTTP_SWITCHING_SELECT_POOL,HTTP_SWITCHING_SELECT_LOCAL) edition, Enterprise edition.", "required": true, "title": "Action" }, "file": { "$ref": "ALBHTTPLocalFile, "description": "File from which to serve local response to the request.", "required": false, "title": "File" }, "pool_group_path": { "description": "path of the pool group to serve the request. It is a reference to an object of type PoolGroup.", "required": false, "title": "Pool group path", "type": "string", "x-vmw-cross-reference": [ { "leftType": [ "ALBHTTPPolicySet" ], "relationshipType": "ALB_HTTPPOLICYSET_ALB_POOLGROUP_RELATIONSHIP", "rightType": [ "ALBPoolGroup" ] } ] }, "pool_path": { "description": "path of the pool of servers to serve the request. It is a reference to an object of type Pool.", "required": false, "title": "Pool path", "type": "string", "x-vmw-cross-reference": [ { "leftType": [ "ALBHTTPPolicySet" ], "relationshipType": "ALB_HTTPPOLICYSET_ALB_POOL_RELATIONSHIP", "rightType": [ "ALBPool" ] } ] }, "server": { "$ref": "ALBPoolServer, "description": "Specific pool server to select.", "required": false, "title": "Server" }, "status_code": { "$ref": "ALBHTTPLocalResponseStatusCode, "description": "HTTP status code to use when serving local response. Enum options - HTTP_LOCAL_RESPONSE_STATUS_CODE_200, HTTP_LOCAL_RESPONSE_STATUS_CODE_204, HTTP_LOCAL_RESPONSE_STATUS_CODE_403, HTTP_LOCAL_RESPONSE_STATUS_CODE_404, HTTP_LOCAL_RESPONSE_STATUS_CODE_429, HTTP_LOCAL_RESPONSE_STATUS_CODE_501.", "required": false, "title": "Status code" } }, "title": "HTTPSwitchingAction", "type": "object" }