{ "description": "Attribute specific to a partner. There attributes are passed on to the partner appliance and is opaque to the NSX Manager. The Attributes used by the partner applicance.", "id": "Attribute", "module_id": "ServiceInsertionCommonTypes", "properties": { "attribute_type": { "description": "Attribute Type can be of any of the allowed enum type.", "enum": [ "IP_ADDRESS", "PORT", "PASSWORD", "STRING", "LONG", "BOOLEAN" ], "readonly": false, "required": false, "title": "Attributetype.", "type": "string" }, "display_name": { "description": "Attribute display name string value.", "readonly": false, "required": false, "title": "Display name", "type": "string" }, "key": { "description": "Attribute key string value.", "readonly": false, "required": true, "title": "key", "type": "string" }, "read_only": { "default": false, "description": "Read only Attribute cannot be overdidden by service instance/deployment.", "readonly": false, "required": false, "title": "read only", "type": "boolean" }, "value": { "description": "Attribute value string value.", "readonly": false, "required": false, "title": "value", "type": "string" } }, "title": "Attributes", "type": "object" }