{ "id": "EPActionForDnsForwarderRequestParameters", "module_id": "PolicyDnsForwarder", "properties": { "action": { "description": "The valid DNS forwarder actions to be performed on EP are, - clear_cache: Clear the current cache of the dns forwarder from specified enforcement point.", "enum": [ "clear_cache" ], "required": true, "title": "An action to be performed for DNS forwarder on EP", "type": "string" }, "enforcement_point_path": { "default": "/infra/sites/default/enforcement-points/default", "description": "An enforcement point path, on which the action is to be performed. If not specified, default enforcement point path, /infra/sites/default/enforcement-points/default will be considered.", "required": false, "title": "An enforcement point path, on which the action is to be performed", "type": "string" } }, "type": "object" }