{ "extends": { "$ref": "ListRequestParameters }, "id": "HostTransportNodeListParameters", "module_id": "PolicyHostTransportNode", "properties": { "cursor": { "readonly": false, "title": "Opaque cursor to be used for getting next page of records (supplied by current result page)", "type": "string" }, "discovered_node_id": { "description": "This property can be used by itself or along with 'transport_zone_path'. This applies only to vCenter Managed hosts. For Unmanaged hosts use node_ip instead. These hosts are discovered by Nsx manager after adding a vCenter as Compute Manager. Refer to fabric discovered-nodes api to get discoverednode_id. eg. 6ab2278f-951d-471b-8d0f-510c825945f1:host-14", "required": false, "title": "discovered node id", "type": "string" }, "in_maintenance_mode": { "description": "If the flag is true, transport node with 'ENABLED' or 'FORCE_ENABLED' desired state will be returned, otherwise transport nodes in 'DISABLED' will be returned.", "required": false, "title": "maintenance mode flag", "type": "boolean" }, "included_fields": { "description": "Note - this parameter currently only works when used with the search APIs /policy/api/v1/search/query and /policy/api/v1/search/dsl. It is ignored for other list APIs.", "title": "Comma separated list of fields that should be included in query result", "type": "string" }, "node_ip": { "description": "This property can only be used alone. It can not be combined with other filtering properties.", "required": false, "title": "Transport node IP address", "type": "string" }, "node_types": { "description": "Specify types from [HostNode, EdgeNode, PublicCloudGatewayNode]. If a list of node types is given, all transport nodes of given types will be returned.", "required": false, "title": "a list of node types separated by comma or a single type", "type": "string" }, "page_size": { "default": 1000, "maximum": 1000, "minimum": 0, "title": "Maximum number of results to return in this page (server may return fewer)", "type": "integer" }, "sort_ascending": { "type": "boolean" }, "sort_by": { "title": "Field by which records are sorted", "type": "string" }, "transport_zone_path": { "description": "This property can be used along with 'node_id'. Valid Policy Tz path should be given, eg. /infra/sites/default/enforcement-points/default/transport-zones/web-tz1", "required": false, "title": "Transport zone path", "type": "string" } }, "title": "Host Transport Node list parameters", "type": "object" }