{ "additionalProperties": false, "description": "Contains IPv6 related discovery options.", "id": "IPv6DiscoveryOptions", "module_id": "PolicyIpDiscovery", "properties": { "dhcp_snooping_v6_enabled": { "default": false, "description": "Enable this method will snoop the DHCPv6 message transaction which a VM makes with a DHCPv6 server. From the transaction, we learn the IPv6 addresses assigned by the DHCPv6 server to this VM along with its lease time.", "required": false, "title": "Is DHCP snoping v6 enabled or not", "type": "boolean" }, "nd_snooping_config": { "$ref": "NdSnoopingConfig, "description": "Indicates ND snooping options", "required": false, "title": "ND snooping configuration" }, "vmtools_v6_enabled": { "default": false, "description": "Enable this method will learn the IPv6 addresses which are configured on interfaces of a VM with the help of the VMTools software.", "required": false, "type": "boolean" } }, "title": "IPv6 discovery options", "type": "object" }