{ "additionalProperties": false, "description": "Identity Firewall user login/session data for a single VM.", "id": "IdfwVmStats", "module_id": "IdentityFirewall", "properties": { "active_sessions": { "items": { "$ref": "IdfwUserSessionData }, "required": true, "title": "List of active (still logged in) user login/sessions data (no limit)", "type": "array" }, "archived_sessions": { "description": "Optional list of up to 5 most recent archived (previously logged in) user login/session data.", "items": { "$ref": "IdfwUserSessionData }, "required": false, "title": "Optional list of archived (previously logged in) user login/session data (maximum 5)", "type": "array" }, "vm_ext_id": { "description": "Virtual machine (external ID or BIOS UUID) where login/logout event occurred.", "required": true, "title": "Virtual machine external ID or BIOS UUID", "type": "string" } }, "title": "Identity Firewall user login/session data for a single VM", "type": "object" }