{ "deprecated": true, "description": "This is deprecated. Please use CommonAgentPrivateIpRangeInfo instead. An IP prefix to mark the private network that NSX-Intelligence network flow is collected from.", "id": "IntelligenceFlowPrivateIpPrefixInfo", "module_id": "NsxIntelligenceHostConfiguration", "properties": { "address": { "$ref": "IPAddress, "description": "The prefix of IP address that marks the range of private network.", "required": true, "title": "IP address" }, "address_type": { "description": "The type of IP address.", "enum": [ "IPV4", "IPV6" ], "required": true, "title": "IP address type", "type": "string" }, "prefix_length": { "description": "The length of IP address prefix that marks the range of private network.", "maximum": 128, "minimum": 1, "required": true, "title": "IP prefix length", "type": "integer" } }, "title": "NSX-Intelligence flow private IP prefix", "type": "object" }