{ "additionalProperties": false, "description": "Gives the statistics of a NAT rule per logical router on specified enforcement point.", "id": "PolicyNatRuleStatisticsPerLogicalRouter", "module_id": "PolicyNAT", "properties": { "enforcement_point_path": { "description": "Policy Path referencing the enforcement point from where the statistics are fetched.", "title": "Enforcement point Path", "type": "string" }, "last_update_timestamp": { "$ref": "EpochMsTimestamp, "description": "Timestamp when the data was last updated.", "readonly": true, "title": "Last update timestamp" }, "per_node_statistics": { "description": "Detailed Rule statistics per logical router.", "items": { "$ref": "PolicyNatRuleStatisticsPerTransportNode }, "readonly": true, "title": "Detailed Rule statistics", "type": "array" }, "router_path": { "description": "Path of the router.", "title": "Router path", "type": "string" }, "statistics": { "$ref": "PolicyNATRuleCounters, "description": "Rolled up statistics for all rules on the logical router.", "readonly": true, "title": "Rolled up statistics" } }, "title": "Statistics of NAT Rule per logical router", "type": "object" }