{ "additionalProperties": false, "description": "Request Parameter for aggregating Policy statistics on enforcement point.", "extends": { "$ref": "StatisticsRequestParameters }, "id": "PolicyStatisticsAggregateParameters", "module_id": "PolicyBaseStatistics", "properties": { "action": { "description": "Action to take on statistics for an object.", "enum": [ "aggregate" ], "required": false, "title": "Action on statistics", "type": "string" }, "container_cluster_path": { "description": "Path to the container cluster entity where the request will be executed.", "required": false, "title": "String Path of the Container Cluster entity", "type": "string" }, "enforcement_point_path": { "description": "enforcement point path, forward slashes must be escaped using %2F.", "required": false, "title": "String Path of the enforcement point", "type": "string" } }, "title": "Request Parameters for Policy Statistics Aggregate", "type": "object" }